LivingWorks Start Training Debrief

Date and Time




LivingWorks Start is an online alertness training that prepares anyone, regardless of prior experience or training, to recognize when someone is thinking about suicide and connect them to help and support.

Recommended for: Individuals who are not mental health experts but who might have on-going relationships with people who have mental health issues and/or where the individual is in a position of authority.  Examples might include: Faculty Advisors and Graduate Assistants, Chairs/Directors, Deans, Supervisors, RAs, varsity coaches, Program Counsellors, Union/employee group leaders, individuals involved in Human Resources, and Faculty and Academic Staff Relations.

Participants are asked to register for this session in advance and details on the independent virtual training will be shared (takes 90 minutes to complete). This session is an opportunity to de-brief the training that you do on your own.

Register today! 

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