Academic Advising

Universities can be intimidating and impersonal institutions, especially for new students. In order to address this problem, the University provides various counselling services ranging from academic to personal counselling.

Although it is the responsibility of students to ensure they meet all the University regulations, the School places particular emphasis on supporting students through its own counselling activities. Indeed, the School has always assigned at least one person to co-ordinate its advising system.

The function of the academic counselling system is to act as a resource in the following ways:

  • To advise students on routine academic procedures such as dropping and adding courses, the course selection period, medical notes etc. 
  • To assist students in the planning of their program including their selection of courses and various prerequisite requirements.
  • To provide counsel to those students who are in academic difficulty. For example, students who are placed on probationary status usually have one semester in which to address their deficiency.
  • To provide career counselling and ensure students are aware of the range of career opportunities.
  • To support students with personal problems that are affecting their academic performance adversely. Quite a few students fall into this category during the four years. In such instances, it is advisable to let Emily Robinson, the School's Academic Advisor (MACS Room 206) know of the specific situation before rather than after it may have an impact on your studies or exam results. The University has various procedures relating to illness and compassionate situations.

Although the School tries to meet the above obligations to the best of its ability, it is the student's responsibility to initiate action and provide the necessary information.

The School in fact, has two levels of academic counselling:

School's Academic Advisor:  Emily Robinson, advises all transfer students.

Students with concerns that are of a non-routine or personal nature should approach the Academic Advisor directly. Since the issues involved in these instances can be quite time consuming, you are asked to make an appointment by contacting Emily Robinson in MACS 206 or by e-mail.  See Emily for course waivers to be signed for all HTM courses and MGMT*1000, MGMT*2150 & MGMT*4000 courses.

B.Comm. Counselling Office: B.Comm. Program Counsellors are available to meet with students in any major within the B.Comm. Program or students interested in transferring to B.Comm. For more information, please visit the B.Comm. Counselling Office website.