Blog | Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics


College of Business and Economics announces new Notable Alumni

The College of Business and Economics recently unveiled five new faces on its Notable Alumni roster, adding new stories of business and economics alumni who are leaders in their fields. These alumni include industry leaders, a professional athlete and a distinguished researcher, all of whom exemplify the values of the University of Guelph in their respective roles. See below for a complete list.   

“Commodities, Well-being and Institutions” Workshop encourages discussion of global problems through an economic lens

The “Commodities, Well-being and Institutions” workshop drew in many scholars from around the world to discuss their research. The workshop was organized by University of Guelph economics professors Louise Grogan and Mike Hoy, and University of Bobo Dioulasso professor Agnes Zabsonre, and supported through funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). This event served as an opportunity for scholars to come together, share their perspectives and analyze current issues using economic theories and data analysis techniques.

College of Business and Economics launches 10x10: Alumni with Impact Award

The College of Business and Economics recently unveiled its 10x10: Alumni with Impact Award, recognizing ten University of Guelph business alumni who are within ten years of graduation and have achieved rapid and significant growth in their careers.

The annual award was created with the intention of showcasing proud and highly engaged University of Guelph alumni who have garnered significant responsibility and influence within their respective industries and organizations. See the full list if recipients below.

Integration of Sustainable Development Goals discussed at PRME Regional Meeting at University of Guelph

Individuals from across North America representing academia and industry are gathering at the University of Guelph this week to discuss the integration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their organizations. These discussions are the focus of the 4th Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) Regional Meeting North America, hosted by the College of Business and Economics.

Student collaboration key in interdisciplinary product development course

What do marketing students and food science students have in common? While their majors may indicate that they have very different interests, the University of Guelph’s Product Development Management course is teaching students how to use these differences to their advantage through collaborative learning.  

College of Business and Economics professors receive SSHRC Insight Grants

The College of Business and Economics is proud to announce that five of its faculty members have been granted SSHRC Insight Grants. Economics professors Mike Hoy, Kris Inwood, René Kirkegaard, Alex Maynard and Ilias Tsiakas, have been collectively awarded with more than $360,000 to support their research projects.

Canada’s first female astronaut provides lessons in leadership to MA students

One of Canada’s most notable leaders addressed MA Leadership students last week, giving her perspective on leadership as an ever-evolving quality.  Dr. Roberta Bondar, who is, among many other accomplishments, Canada’s first woman astronaut and the world’s first neurologist in space, spoke about her life experience and gave students a glimpse of how she continued to shape herself as a leader, while navigating and persevering through high profile life events.

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