Fall Equinox Yoga on Johnston Green - September 2022

Date and Time


Johnston Green (Rain Location: Peter Clark Hall 001M University Centre)


How can we achieve a still mind amid the chaos of a new school year? Where do we turn to access the voice of our deepest wisdom?  

Take a break and join us for a Classical Yoga class on U of G's historical, beautiful and sprawling Johnston Green

Everyone is welcome: faculty, staff, students, alumni, visitors and retirees. No experience is required! 

Chairs and instructions for chair modifications will be provided for those who want them.

Bring your own nutritious lunch to participate in a mindful eating practice and have some friendly conversation after the class. One $25 and three $10 hospitality gift cards will be awarded by random draw. We have some other yoga-related prizes available as well. When you arrive, put your name in the draw! Fresh fruits, vegetables, and tea sandwiches will be available after class.

Don’t forget to bring your yoga mat and water! 

As we harvest the fruits of summer, the natural world begins to fall away in preparation for renewal. At this moment, we invite you to turn toward the eternal light (inner sun) within us as the physical light outside starts diminishing. Harmony, balance, and the opportunity to let go of what no longer serves us are the offerings of the equinox and our practice. 

If possible, please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Guelph Food Bank.

This event is hosted by U of G Yoga and Meditation Collective and sponsored by Wellness@Work. This event is also part of Employee Orientation Month (O-Month) designed to build community and connection amongst colleagues and to our beautiful U of G Guelph campus. Attending the following event can be used for the Employee O-Month Passport Challenge for the activity "Participate in any activity promoted in the September Wellness@Work Calendar". 

We wish you all a successful Fall Semester in mind, body, and spirit.


Register through Qualtrics


Email U of G Yoga and Meditation Collective at yoga@uoguelph.ca

Questions regarding Employee O-Month can be emailed to wellnessatwork@uoguelph.ca

Sun beams on an autumn landscape

The trees are about to show us how beautiful it is to let go! 

“...realize with a still mind your own true nature, which is the one pure, undivided consciousness underlying the restless mind which is composed of the whole universe in all its diversity.” --Satyananda Saraswati 

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