2016-17 Holiday Laboratory hours
Animal Health Laboratory Holiday laboratory hours, 2016/2017
December 2016 Newsletter
Our December 2016 Newsletter is online, please find it in our Publications section.
AHL and GlobalVetLink (EquusLink)
AHL has just finished participating in a trial with CFIA and GlobalVetLink (EquusLink), and was the pilot laboratory in Canada for this exciting new service. We thank the CFIA for taking up this initiative.
Advantages of this product include:
In-house milk bacteriology testing
Does your clinic do in-house bovine lab testing? AHL is currently offering any clinic in Ontario performing bovine in-house lab work (specifically milk bacteriology) an in-person consultation to review quality assurance practices within your clinic, and testing of split milk samples to strengthen your in-clinic testing. This service is provided at no charge to the clinic until summer of 2017, and is funded through the Ontario Disease Surveillance Program (DSP). Take advantage of this excellent service today but contacting Josie Given at 54320 or
AHL security maintenance on Labvantage Server
AHL will be performing important security maintenance on the Labvantage Server Monday September 5th from 6:00am to 8:00am.
Remote access to our Labvantage LIMS will be unavailable during this time.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
Have a great Labour Day weekend!
Jim Fairles
Client Services Veterinarian
Honey bee pathogens detection is now accredited
Honey bee pathogens detection at the AHL is now accredited
The Animal Health Laboratory (AHL) of Laboratory Services (LS), University of Guelph is
accredited for veterinary laboratory testing techniques (flexible scope) as listed on LS’ SCC
scope of accreditation
September 2016 Newsletter
Our September 2016 newsletter is now available online. Please find it in our Publications section.
Email migration at the Animal Health Laboratory
Small flock poultry veterinarians
"The Ontario Animal Health Network is starting a listserv for veterinarians who practice on, or wish to receive information on small flock poultry. Veterinarians will receive pertinent notifications on disease outbreaks, small flock resources, and a forum to discuss small flock issues.