Giving for Life Donor Recognition - Sternal Body


Donated by: Erin Bearss & Cameron Carvalho


Thank you to our generous donors for supporting the Human Anatomy Program.

The Giving for Life campaign recognizes donors through a unique bone-naming initiative. Our virtual online “skeleton” recognizes donors of $1,000 or more. Once all the bones are named, a skeleton recognizing our donors will be stationed in the new Human Anatomy Laboratory. To support the Human Anatomy program, it is easy to make a gift online.

  1. Click on the following link:
  2. For the field “Please enter the name/description of your preferred gift designation”, type in Human Anatomy Capital Fund
  3. Complete the remainder of the form with your gift details and contact information

Interested in naming a bone? There are still bones available to be named. To learn more about how to name a bone, please contact Jill Randall, Alumni Advancement Manager, College of Biological Science at 519-824-4120 Ext. 56190.


Bone Name Donor Name
Back & Thorax  
Rib 1- Left Julie & Robert Nevin
Rib 1 – Right Naresh Thevathasan
Rib 2 – Left Kenneth Glover
Rib 2 – Right Quinn Family
Cervical Vertebrae (C1) Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Cervical Vertebrae (C2) Alison Mikelsons
Cervical Vertebrae (C7) Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Thoracic Vertebrae (T1) Cheryl & Richard Van-Vlack
Thoracic Vertebrae (T6) Kristin Long
Lumbar Vertebrae (L1) Dr. Dean MacDonald and Norfolk Chiropractic and Wellness
Lumbar Vertebrae (L2) Dr. Dean MacDonald and Norfolk Chiropractic and Wellness
Lumbar Vertebrae (L3) Dr. Dean MacDonald and Norfolk Chiropractic and Wellness
Lumbar Vertebrae (L4) Dr. Dean MacDonald and Norfolk Chiropractic and Wellness
Lumbar Vertebrae (L5) Erika Sayers
Manubrium Mark Bruzzese and Beverley Peterson-Bruzzese in memory of Shirley Peterson
Sternum Erin Bearss & Cameron Carvalho
Upper Limb  
Clavicle (right) Lynne Manuel
Clavicle (left) Glenys Shilton
Scapula (right) Jackie Sinkeldam
Scapula (left) Motion Plus Physiotherapy
Humerus (right) Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates
Radius (right) Steven A. Hill
Pelvis and Lower Limb  
Tibia (right) Carol & David Stephenson
Ilium (right) Dr. Dean MacDonald and Norfolk Chiropractic and Wellness
Ischium (right) Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Innominate (Ilium, Ischium, Pubis) (left) Manual Concepts
Sacrum Eastview Physiotherapy (Malcolm Briggs)
Frontal Bone Motion Plus Physiotherapy
Occipital Bone Dr. Victoria Galloway
Sphenoid Bone Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Left Parietal Bone Kyba Family in memory of John Patrick Kyba
Maxilla The Raco Family
Mandible Dr. Mitchell Sutton
Hyoid Bone Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Right Zygomatic Bone Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC
Right Temporal Bone Dr. Grant E. Parker BSc RMT DC