$12,500 in scholarships to support student gender equity initiatives

Applications are now open for the annual HeForShe gender equity scholarships, which total $12,500 across three student-based scholarships. The scholarships are in support of the United Nations’ HeForShe initiative and are funded by the Angel Gabriel Foundation and the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics.
HeForShe Resilience Scholarships ($5,000 each)
Each year, two HeForShe Resilience Scholarships are available to female students in the Bachelor of Commerce program and the Bachelor of Engineering program at U of G. The scholarships aim to recognize the resilience and leadership of female students in each program.
The application deadline is January 10, 2021.
Learn more about the Resilience Scholarship
HeForShe Ally Scholarship ($2,500)
Introduced for the first-time last year, the HeForShe Ally Scholarship is available to U of G students registered in any undergraduate program on campus. The scholarship recognizes students who have demonstrated, through their actions and support of various initiatives, that they are an ally and committed to gender equality.
The application deadline is January 10, 2021.
Learn more about the Ally Scholarship
The Lang School also launched a new community-based award in 2019 to recognize a local business or organization in the Guelph-Wellington region that is actively promoting and improving gender equity. The HeForShe Impact Award celebrates a local business or organization for their efforts to champion and/or support gender equity initiatives that result in positive change within the organization and community.
Last year, Innovation Guelph’s Rhyze program was the inaugural recipient of the HeForShe Impact Award. Rhyze was recognized for their innovative program that cultivates women’s entrepreneurial spirit and guides them to elevate their businesses.
Learn more about the Impact Award
All HeForShe scholarship and award recipients will be recognized at U of G’s HeForShe event in March. HeForShe at U of G is an annual campus-wide event dedicated to the United Nations’ gender equity campaign. The event is a collaboration between the Lang School, the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences, and Gryphon Football.
As part of the event each year, an inspiring leader is invited to spend the day on campus to engage with students and to provide a public talk in celebration of U of G’s commitment to the UN’s global solidarity movement for gender equity. More details about the 2021 event will be announced in the coming months. Details will be posted on the event website.
The United Nation’s HeForShe movement is an invitation for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality. Since HeForShe launched in September 2014, millions of men around the world, including Heads of State, CEOs, and global luminaries from all walks of life, have committed to gender equality.