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Week of September 26, 2021

Creating Inclusive Economies Conference

The Creating Inclusive Economies Conference will  focus on building bridges between public (government), private (businesses), and civil society (community organizations) sectors and finding ways to engage and collaborate on innovative policy development with the goal of enhancing the economic and social wellbeing of rural citizens. The conference is co-hosted by the Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation and the Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation.

LA Guest Lecture: Eelco Hooftman

University of Guelph - Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Series presents:

Deadline for MPlan Applications to Start in Winter 2022

The Rural Planning and Development program is accepting applications for the Master of Planning program to start in January 2022. The Master of Planning is a one-year degree program intended for students with a completed undergraduate degree and 4-5 years of planning and development experience. The program consists of both required and elective courses and concludes with a major research paper.