Thankful Tuesday Prompt: Oct 26th

Benefits to Gratitude
As mentioned on October 5th engaging the gratitude should be done to enjoy the process of approaching life from a new angle. Enjoy the present moment of expressing gratitude and notice how that makes you feel. With that being said it is important to acknowledge that gratitude practice can have positive side effects.
People who practice gratitude report:
- Fewer physical symptoms of illness;
- More optimism;
- Greater goal attainment;
- Decreased anxiety and depression;
- Ease in change acceptance; and
- Better stress management.
Thankful Tuesday Prompt
- Try a gratitude mediation. There are many online or try out this 5-minute one by
- Genuinely thank yourself for starting your gratitude practice.
- What was a surprise that at first seemed unpleasant, but now you are grateful for?