March Challenge: Paint Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables

Posted on Thursday, February 18th, 2021

Written by Melissa Horan, Wellness@Work Advisor

Regularly eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is an important part of healthy eating.  During March Nutrition Month, participate in four Paint Your Plate With Fruits and Vegetables mini-challenges.

Challenge #1. Give them a try.  Try one new vegetable or fruit or try a vegetable or fruit on your dislike list again.

Challenge #2. Snack attack. Have a vegetable or fruit as a snack.

Challenge #3. Build a better breakfast. Add a vegetable or fruit to your breakfast. Try fruit on the side, banana slides in your cereal or toast, frozen berries in your yogurt or vegetables in your egg omelet.

Challenge #4. Build a better plate. Fill half your plate with vegetables at both lunch and support. Enjoy vegetables fresh, frozen, or canned.

Complete the four challenges, fill out the Paint Your Plate form and submit it to by March 31, 2021. Completed challenges will be entered into a draw for one of two dinners for your immediate household from Hospitality Services.


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