
This post is a listing for an upcoming event.

Advanced Technology Speaker Series: CRISPR, Genomics and Agri-Food

The following link provides a seminar Dr. Getu Hailu co-organized on April 1st.



Dr. Henry An, University of Alberta, will present "Hypothetical Bias, Strategic Stated Preferences and the Demand for Gene-edited Canola"

On Friday, June 15th, 2:30-4:00 pm, Room 101 MCLN .....


Alan Ker, Chair presented at the University of Alberta, on "Technological Change in Crop Yields" on Nov. 26th...

Technological changes in agriculture tend to alter the mass associated with a segment or subpopulation of the yield distribution as opposed to shifting the entire distribution upwards.  We propose modeling crop yields using mixtures with embedded trend functions to account for potentially different rates of technological change in different sub-populations of the yield distribution.  By doing so we can test some interesting and previously untested hypotheses about the data generating process of yields.

Jacobus Kerkhoff's Master of Science Defence

Jacobus Kerkhoff's Master of Science defence took place on Monday, April 5th, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in Room 118, MacNaughton Building. The title of his thesis is "The Spatial Market Integration of Fresh Asparagus in Select U.S. and Canadian Terminal Markets".

Dairy Farmers of Ontario and Dept. of FARE Event on Dairy Research Communication and Extension!

On February 17th, 2010, Dairy Farmers of Ontario and the Department of FARE presented a "Dairy Research Communication and Extension Event".

Please click on these links to view the presentations -

Productive Efficiency and Competitiveness of Dairy Farms, Dr. Getu Hailu, Associate Professor

Traceability in the Dairy Industry, Costs, Benefits and Some Ideas, Dr. Andreas Boecker, Associate Professor

Richard Vyn presented "Comparing Returns for Grain Corn Production under Various Marketing Strategies"...

Richard Vyn presented "Comparing Returns for Grain Corn Production under Various Marketing Strategies" at the Southwest Agricultural Conference at Ridgetown on Jan 6-7/10 and at the FarmSmart conference on Jan 23/10.

Prof. Brady Deaton recently participated in The 16th Annual Environmental Sciences Symposium...

Prof. Brady Deaton recently was a participant in The 16th Annual Environmental Sciences Symposium hosted by the University of Guelph on January 16, 2010. The title of his presentation was “Economics and Environmental Policy”. For symposium details please visit http://www.uoguelph.ca/~envsymp/.

Outstanding Service Award

On April 22nd the Outstanding Service Award was presented to T.K. (SANDY) WARLEY from Dean Rob Gordon.

Sandy Warley & Rob Gordon

Brown Bag Lunch Series Seminar

The Dept. of FARE's Brown Bag Lunch Series Seminar continues with Kumuduni Kulasekera presenting "What Explains the Variation Across Individuals in the Propensity to Undertake Health-Promoting Behaviours: An Economic Analysis". You are invited to attend this event on Thursday, December 11th, 12:30-1:30 in Room 319, J.D. MacLachlan. Please view the attached flyer for further details.

Next SOREE Session on May 6th

The next session of the Southern Ontario Resource and Environmental Economics (SOREE), an informal group of resource and environmental economists will take place on May 6, 2008 at the University of Guelph. The session is sponsored by the Department of Food, Agricultural and Resource Economics (FARE) at the university. Local arrangements are being handled by Brady Deaton.