Natalya Garrod named a Canadian Water Network Webinar Coordinator for the Student and Young Professional Committee

Posted on Thursday, March 5th, 2020

Written by Natalya Garrod

My name is Natalya Garrod, I am a 2nd-year Rural Planning and Development graduate student and I am thrilled to commence the position of webinar coordinator for the Students and Young Professionals Committee for the Canadian Water Network. This is a volunteer position where I have the opportunity to host 4-6 webinars throughout the year with regards to water. I am responsible for developing a topic, inviting speakers, and general organization of the webinar. My MSc thesis research focuses on First Nations local-level source water protection. This research has inspired a deeper understanding of water and how it can affect and be affected by social and environmental factors. My research started and continues to be under the direction of Dr. Sheri Longboat who has imparted on me rich experiences which have led me to where I am today. 

For more information visit the Canadian Water Network - Student and Young Professional Committee.


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