Quick Facts: Deferred Privileges

A deferred assessment is the opportunity to complete the final course requirements after the end of the semester. The nature of the deferred assessment may take the form of either a deferred condition (i.e. a paper) or a deferred examination.

Deferred examinations and conditions are not guaranteed. A deferred assessment can only be granted by the Academic Review Sub-Committee in response to a Request for Academic Consideration submitted by the student on the basis of documented medical, psychological, or compassionate grounds.

IF you have submitted a Request for Academic Consideration to request a deferred assessment ...

  • The university schedules a period of time each semester in which deferred examinations are written and when deferred conditions are due. The start and end dates of the Deferred Period are published in the current Undergraduate Calendar in Section III--Schedule of Dates. You must be prepared to write deferred final examination(s) and/or hand in your final assignment(s) at ANY TIME during this period. Final exams and final papers will not be accepted after the last day of the scheduled deferred period.
  • Check your University email regularly as you will receive information from the Office of Registrarial Services informing you of the Academic Review Sub-Committee's response to your Request for Academic Consideration. You may also contact your Program Counseling Office to inquire about the outcome of your request in advance of receiving this letter.
  • If you are granted a deferred examination you will receive information from the Office of Registrarial Services and the schedule with exact dates, times, and locations are posted at https://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/scheduling/examschedule.
  • If you are granted a deferred condition you will receive information from the Office of Registrarial Services. Depending on what course work was not completed the instructor will arrange an examination and/or assign other work required to meet the course requirements that are outstanding. All requirements are communicated to you and must be completed prior to the end of the deferred period.
  • The notation DEF will appear beside the course if the deferred assessment is granted. In all deferred cases, check WebAdvisor under My Transcript and My Grades. PLEASE CHECK WEBADVISOR.

If you do not have the information one week prior to the start of the scheduled deferred period, contact orsexams@uoguelph.ca. If you have any questions you should contact your Program Counseling Office IN ADVANCE of the scheduled deferred period. Missed deferred examinations and submission deadlines are NOT generally granted extensions.