Join Jen O'Neill, Athletic & Recreation's Manager of Fitness, Recreation & Client Services to learn more about what is available at U of G to support your physical activity. This session will start with a brief overview of what is available to staff and faculty to support their physical activity, followed by a Q&A to answer any questions you might have about Athletics & Recreation's offerings, memberships, facilities, and more.
Visit the GGAC's NRG Zone for one of three free drop-in times for employees this month!
Employees should check in with Client Services upon arrival to register for their FREE day pass before heading upstairs to the NRG Zone. Receipt of the day pass should be brought to the NRG Zone as proof of entrance. Change rooms are available, but staff should bring their own locks. We highly recommend locking up your belongings. Outside shoes are not permitted in the NRG Zone. This new fitness space is located in Studio 3202 on the 3rd floor of GGAC.
The world pressures us to hurry, to respond, to act, to go, and rush. We feel it throughout the holiday season and absorb it into our new year. Yet so many of us are craving calm, quiet, and slowness, as the winter season calls for. In this creative workshop, join us as we explore honouring our own pace with softness, and putting this into practice in our everyday lives. Absolutely no art experience is required to participate.
Essential Art Materials:
Learn about highlights from the exciting new book, “The Connection Cure: The Prescriptive Power of Movement, Nature, Art, Service, and Belonging.” In this book, author Julia Hotz explores how we need ‘social prescriptions’ just as much as traditional medicine to cure what ails us. Insights and key takeaways from the book will be shared, followed by group discussions so we can reflect on these insights in the context of our own lives.
Many of us feel overwhelmed by competing work and family demands. This session will help participants identify their key work/life stressors, clarify their values, and develop skills and strategies to effectively prioritize their time and energy.
Register now through Qualtrics!
Homewood Health