Welcome Alumni & Friends | College of Arts

Welcome Alumni & Friends

Alumni at curling event


The College of Arts is at work unleashing compassion, creativity, and critical engagement with the world through transformative education. For five decades, the College of Arts has produced powerful art, incisive scholarship, abundant collaborations and generations of alumni who have influenced the world in countless ways.


graduates improving life worldwide


thousand in philanthropic donations in 2023/24

How to Connect

We encourage all alumni to get involved in any capacity. Your participation and contribution can help financially support students who otherwise could not afford postsecondary education, maintain and strengthen our alumni community, advance research discoveries, expand faculty, and provide experiential learning opportunities.


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If you would like more information about how you can get involved and give back to the College of Arts, please contact:

Portrait of Erica Charlesworth

Erica Charleswoth
Alumni Advancement Manager, College of Arts
Alumni Affairs & Development
University of Guelph
e: charlese@uoguelph.ca