Transmissions 2011 - The Politics and Poetics of Humanities Research | College of Arts

Transmissions 2011 - The Politics and Poetics of Humanities Research

Date and Time


TransCanada Institute, 9 University Ave East, Guelph


A one-day Colloquium for SETS Faculty and Graduate Students
30 -11:00am Panel 1 - Blurring the Boundaries: Creative and Performance Rese
arch and Pedagogies
11:15 - 12:45pm Panel 2 - The Personal is Critical: Se
lf-Reflexive Research Practices
12:45 - 1:30pm Lunch & Launch - Retooling
the Humanities: The Culture of Research in Canadian Universities, edited byDaniel Coleman and Smaro Kamboureli
1:30 - 3:00pm Panel 3 - TransnationalLiteratures and Cultural Hybridity
3:15 - 4:45 Round Table - Methodologie
s in the Humanities
Light Lunch and refreshements will be served