History: Department Welcomes New Scholar: Dr. Christine Ekholst | College of Arts

History: Department Welcomes New Scholar: Dr. Christine Ekholst

Posted on Saturday, August 20th, 2011

The Department is delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Christine Ekholst for a three-year appointment as Assisitant Professor of Medieval and Early Modern Europe and Gender History, effective this month.  Dr. Ekholst holds her PhD from Stockholm U (2009) and writes and collaborates extensively in the field of gender and law in medieval history.  As a postdoctoral researcher she has worked with Dr Nancy Partner at McGill University and with Dr. Judith Bennett at the University of Southern California. Dr. Ekholst brings strong scholarship, outstanding teaching, and commitment to new pedagogies and new ways of engaging students. We know she will be a strong colleague and will energize and inspire our students in medieval, early modern and gender history. Welcome Christine!