Wencke Rudi | College of Arts

Wencke Rudi

PhD Student
School of English and Theatre Studies

Wencke [ven-kay] Rudi is a second-year PhD student in English at the University of Guelph. She received her BA with Honours (English) from the University of Winnipeg and her MA at University of Guelph. During her Masters work, she completed the Queen’s Bush Settlement WebMap and StoryMap, which can be found at blackpastinguelph.com, alongside other articles Wencke has co-authored.

In February 2022, she gave a Keynote Lecture as part of Guelph Black Heritage Society’s Black Heritage Month programming, and later collaboratively released a Driving Map focusing on Black heritage in Wellington County. Her PhD research continues to focus on Black Canadian historical settlements, investigating questions about literature and spatial land claims.