Student Societies | College of Arts

Student Societies


English and Theatre Council

ETC is the Masters and PhD Society for the School of English and Theatre Studies.  Administered by an executive of MA and PhD representatives for the Graduate Committee, as well as Professional Development and Socialization Co-ordinators, ETC represents every graduate student in the department.  Responsibilities include electing representatives to sit on Graduate Committee and Department meetings, organizing both professionalization and social events for the graduate student body, facilitating community between MA and PhD students, and providing support and resources for SETS graduate students.

ETC, The "official" website and blog of the Masters and PhD Society, School of English and Theatre Studies, University of Guelph. CLICK HERE



 The Drama Students Federation was formed in 1976 as a political movement by students. These students were not happy with the way they and their program were being treated at the time, and took a stand to be heard. Because of this the DSF have been able to voice their opinions and be heard in faculty meetings for the past 35 years.

Since then, the DSF have become more active in building a community for the theatre students to be a part of. This is done through various events that the DSF puts on each semester thanks to the College of Arts Student Union (CASU). These events vary from One Act Festivals, Movie Nights, Theatre Workshops, and/or pub nights, and much, much more!

The DSF Executive consists of 5 members, and hold weekly meetings in the Seminar Room of Massey Hall, and anyone is welcome to stop by. These meetings tend to be on the same day each week, but this day varies from semester to semester. If you are interested in attending, simply swing by Massey Hall and check out the DSF call board for more information.

If you have any further inquiries, please email us at or check out our website.

The DSF Executive



The English Students’ Society (TESS) formed in the Fall of 2008 with the aim to enrich the social and academic experience of undergraduate English students at the University of Guelph. TESS forms an outlet for students to meet, interact, share, discuss and get the most out of their English program experience.

TESS continues to foster this student community largely through events, both social and academic. Past events have included coffee houses, pub nights, post-graduate and career information sessions, book swaps, Scrabble tournaments, and even themed outings such as bad poetry night in the downtown core. TESS also offers English-themed merchandise every semester, allowing students to show their program pride.

The Society is composed of five executive members as well as class representatives and other general members. Any student is welcome to get involved and executive positions generally become open to undergraduate students at the end of each winter semester. TESS meets weekly and students are always welcome to attend and participate.

Representatives from TESS also sit on both the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee as well as the College of Arts Student Union, and attend all faculty meetings.

Contact TESS at and check us out on Facebook for further information!