U.S. Veterans Affairs Education Benefits – GI Bill

If you or one of your family members have served in the U.S. military, you may be eligible for financial aid and other help through Veterans Affairs (VA). University of Guelph students who are beneficiaries of the GI Bill can request enrolment certification in VA-approved University of Guelph programs. Students must request certification for each academic year that they want to receive VA benefits.

Applying for enrolment certification

Before your first time applying for enrolment certification:

  1. Apply for a Certificate of Eligibility through the VA if you have not already done so.
  2. Email the Certifying Official at the University of Guelph to confirm if the program of study you intend to pursue has been approved for VA benefits. Include your full name, U of G student number and program of study.
    If the program has not already been approved at the University of Guelph, the Certifying Official must apply for approval of the program to VA on your behalf. This decision will take several months, so please plan ahead!

Payment methods

If your application is successful, the VA will send:

  • a cheque to the University of Guelph for your tuition and fees, paid to your student account each semester
  • a payment directly to you for books and living expenses

If your VA benefits are not received in advance of the semester payment deadline date, please review information about payments and settlements on the Student Financial Services website.

Important information

  • Deadline: To receive the first fall installment of GI Bill benefits for the Fall semester, students should submit their request to the Certifying Official by the first of July. Requests submitted after that deadline will still be processed in order of date received; however, receipt of your support from VA may be delayed into the start of the semester.

  • Notification: Students will be notified by the Certifying Official at their @uoguelph email address when their enrolment certification has been submitted to VA each semester.

  • Changing course load: Your course load is monitored every month by the Certifying Official at the University of Guelph. Any changes are reported to VA which could result in a change to the amount of your benefit.

  • If you wish to change your program: Email the Certifying Official to confirm that your desired program is approved by the VA. If it has not been approved, you may lose your benefits.