Ron Williams Book Tour Coming to UofG on October 15

Posted on Tuesday, July 15th, 2014

Conversations 2014

Ron Williams:  "Remarkable Landscapes in Difficult Times"

Landscape Architecture in Canada Book CoverPhoto of Ron Williams

Please join us to hear author Ron Williams, FCSLA, FRAIC, offer his insights on signature projects created during the heart of the Depression in Ontario.  Who were the individuals that shaped the landscapes around us?  What were the social and economic conditions that brought these remarkable projects to reality?

This lecture is part of CONVERSATIONS ON LANDSCAPES, a cross-country tour that provides audiences with a unique opportunity to understand the role landscape architects have played in shaping the Canada we live in today.  The tour is sponsored by the Landscape Architecture Canada Foundation and the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects.

CONVERSATIONS also celebrates publication of Ron Williams’ seminal book, Landscape Architecture in Canada, released in May 2014 by McGill-Queen’s University Press, and les Presses de l’Université de Montréal.  This is the first comprehensive book documenting the origins and development of landscape architecture in Canada. 

Conversations 2014
Ron Williams:  "Remarkable Landscapes in Difficult Times"

Moderated by Ken Hoyle, FCSLA

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
12:00 -  1:30 pm (food served at 11:30 am)
Room 125 Landscape Architecture Building
University of Guelph

Free Admission.

Book signing before and after the lecture.

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