"Studio Vantage" - Issue One "Paradox" Released

Posted on Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

The students of the School of Environmental Design and Rural Development at the University of Guelph announce the release of Studio Vantage ISSUE 1 - Paradox.  See attachment.  

Studio Vantage is a student run journal that is published annually. This is the first Issue and explores the idea of Paradox. In the context of design, landscape architecture and planning, Paradox is an idea that inspires designers to think outside the box, challenge norms and question the way we think.  

Studio Vantage provides multiple vantage points to collaborate a multitude of professional disciplines and gives the opportunity for students to share their work, inspire and learn from one another.  Issue 1 was created by BLA students, Steffi Baker and Emily Bowerman, class of BLA 17’.  Steffi and Emily wish to thank all of those who contributed and stay tuned for the next Call for Submissions!

purple mountain cliffs with goats on the ledges

We ask that any questions or comments regarding layout, theme, submissions be sent to studiovantage1@gmail.com. We appreciate all feedback!

- Studio Vantage

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