Conference Program / Programme du colloque (le français suit)
Day 1: Friday, October 5th
1:00 – 1:30 Welcome Address, Dr. Charlotte Yates, Provost, University of Guelph (University Centre, 442)
1:30 – 3:00 Panel I (UC 442)
Panel I. Witnesses to War: Redefining Motherhood, Maternity, and Mourning
Chair: Kirsten Yri, Wilfrid Laurier University
Megan Sarno, Carleton College “Claire Croiza, Mother and Muse”
Stephanie Brynes, University of Texas at Austin “Birthing a New Narrative: The Subversion of Maternal Ideology in Magali-Boisnard’s Poetic Collection, Le Chant des Femmes”
Jillian Rogers, University College Cork “On the Impossibility of Maintaining Lili’s Presence: Corporeal Memory and the Failure of Composition in Nadia Boulanger’s Musical Work of Mourning”
3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break (UC 442)
3:30 – 4:30 Keynote Lecture (Summerlee Science Complex Atrium)
Chair: Margot Irvine, University of Guelph
Alison Fell, University of Leeds
“Writing the Woman’s War Story: French WW1 Nursing Memoirs and Female Resistance Narratives”
6:00 – 8:00 Welcome Reception
Chamber Music Concert, Art Exhibition and Light Dinner
Venue: “Silence”, 46 Essex Street, Guelph
Day 2: Saturday, October 6th
9:30 – 11:00 Panel II
Panel II. Agents perturbateurs : déstabiliser les normes du genre (UC 430)
Chair: Aurora Cominetti, University of Guelph
Anna Zerbib (via Skype), Université du Québec à Montréal “Anna de Noailles, écrire le jardin après les bombes”
Sarah-Jeanne Beauchamp-Houde et Andrea Oberhuber, Université de Montréal “Agents d/troubles dans La Dame à la louve de Renée Vivien et Héroïnes de Claude Cahun”
Catherine Parayre, Brock University “Expressions en formation : Broncia Koller-Pinell, artiste et amie d’artistes”
Adrien Rannaud, Université de Québec à Montréal “Quand la guerre s’invite au « Royaume des femmes » : Madeleine, mentore littéraire et marraine de guerre pour le journal La Patrie (1914-1918)”
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break (UC 442)
11:30 – 1:00 Panels III and IV (parallel)
Panel III. The Pen is Mightier: Women Writers in the Postwar Climate (UC 430)
Chair: Clive Thomson, University of Guelph
Tara Collington, University of Waterloo, and Philip Collington, Niagara University “An Américaine in Paris: Clara Longworth de Chambrun, Critic, Translator, Biographer, Forgotten Shakespearean”
Stephen Armstrong, University of Rochester “Music, Murder, and the Demonic Feminine in Dorothy L. Sayers’s The Nine Tailors”
Amanda Vincent, Wake Forest University "Marie de Régnier, ‘Gérard d’Houville,’ literary prizewinner at the end of the Great War "
Panel IV. Taking the Stage: New Opportunities, New Activism (UC 441)
Chair: Roxane Prevost, University of Ottawa
Roxane Prevost, University of Ottawa “Lena Ashwell’s ‘Concerts at the Front’: Women Artists on the Frontlines of France (1915-1918)”
Vanessa Blais-Tremblay, McGill University “Maple Leaf Drag: On Vera Guilaroff, Improvisational Agency, and Early Jazz Historiography”
Artis Wodehouse, Independent Scholar, Music Research and Production “Women and the Machine: Great Player Piano Roll Arrangers, 1910-1930”
1:00 – 2:00 Lunch Break (Summerlee Science Complex Atrium)
2:00 – 3:00 Keynote Lecture (SSC Atrium)
Chair: Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph
Annegret Fauser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Women, Creativity, Death: Musical Journeys Out of World War I”
3:00 – 3:30 Coffee Break (SSC Atrium)
3:30 – 4:30 Plenary Round Table (SSC Atrium)
Alexandra Laederich, Chair, Centre international Nadia et Lili Boulanger
Jillian Rogers, University College Cork
Caroline Potter, University of London
Annegret Fauser, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph
5:30 – 7:00 Conference Dinner (University Club, UC)
7:20 Shuttle Bus to the Church downtown (pick up: UC bus loop)
8:00 Concert, Two World Premieres
Venue: St. George’s Anglican Church
99 Woolwich Street, Guelph
Remarks: Sally Hickson, Director, School of Fine Art and Music
Day 3: Sunday, October 7th
9:30 – 11:00 Panels V and VI (parallel)
Panel V. New Life: Expressions of Faith and Renewal in Interwar France (UC 441)
Chair: Erin Maher, Delaware Valley University
Valerie Mendelson, The New School in New York “Shaped by War: Mabel Gardner and Les Ateliers de l'art sacré”
Kimberly Francis, School of Fine Art and Music, University of Guelph
Elisabeth-Christine Muelsch, Angelo State University “When Filmmaking was Women’s Business”
Panel VI. Fighting Back: Propaganda, War Relief and Postwar Response (UC 430)
Chair: Sarah Gutsche-Miller, University of Toronto
Sarah Fuchs Sampson, Syracuse University “Emma Calvé’s campagne de propagande”
Catherine A. Hughes, Saint Joseph’s University “Lallah Vandervelde, Social Art, and Belgian Relief Efforts in Wartime London”
Pamela H. Pilch, Westminster Choir College, Rider University “Nora Douglas Holt: Racial Uplift and African-American Musical Culture in the Postwar Years”
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break (UC 442)
11:30 – 1:00 Panels VIII and IX (parallel)
Panel VII. Lessons Learned: Reinventing Resistance Post-WWI (UC 430)
Chair: Paola Mayer, University of Guelph
Michael E. McGuire (via Skype), Salem State University “Recreating France through Public Cinema: Anne Dike, Anne Morgan, and The Heritage of France (1919)”
Jeffrey H. Jackson, Rhodes College “Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, and the Queer Art of War”
Mary Ann Steggles, University of Manitoba “Hedwig Bollhagen: Simple Crockery Maker is Recognized as Leading 20th century German Designer, posthumously”
Panel VIII. Women Interrupted: Careers that Spanned the Belle Époque to Les Années Folles (UC 441)
Chair: Alyssa Woods, University of Guelph
Sarah Gutsche-Miller, University of Toronto “Claiming the Stage for Women Choreographers: What Madame Stichel’s Career in Parisian Theatres tells us about Institutional Constraints in the Early Twentieth Century”
Beverly J. Evans, State University of New York at Geneseo “Marie Laurencin: From “Apollinaire et ses amis” to the Ballets Russes”
Margot Irvine, University of Guelph “Judith Cladel, founder of the Musée Rodin”
1:00 – 1:30 Concluding Remarks (UC 442)

Programme du colloque
1er Jour : le vendredi 5 octobre
13:00 – 13:30 Mot de bienvenue, Dr. Charlotte Yates, Prévôt, University of Guelph (University Centre 442)
1:30 – 3:00 Groupe I (UC 442)
Panel I. Witnesses to War: Redefining Motherhood, Maternity, and Mourning
Présidente de la session : Kirsten Yri, Wilfrid Laurier University
Megan Sarno, Carleton College “Claire Croiza, Mother and Muse”
Stephanie Brynes, University of Texas at Austin “Birthing a New Narrative: The Subversion of Maternal Ideology in Magali-Boisnard’s Poetic Collection, Le Chant des Femmes”
Jillian Rogers, University College Cork “On the Impossibility of Maintaining Lili’s Presence: Corporeal Memory and the Failure of Composition in Nadia Boulanger’s Musical Work of Mourning”
3:00 – 3:30 Pause café (UC 442)
3:30 – 4:30 Séance plenière (Summerlee Science Complex Atrium)
Présidente de la session : Margot Irvine, University of Guelph
Alison Fell, University of Leeds
“Writing the Woman’s War Story: French WW1 Nursing Memoirs and Female Resistance Narratives”
6:00 – 8:00 Réception
Concert de musique de chambre, Exposition d'art et Apéritif dinatoire
Lieu : “Silence”, 46 Rue Essex, Guelph
2ieme Jour : le samedi 6 octobre
9:30 – 11:00 Groupes II
Groupe II. Agents perturbateurs : déstabiliser les normes du genre (UC 430)
Présidente de la session : Aurora Cominetti, University of Guelph
Anna Zerbib (par Skype), Université du Québec à Montréal “Anna de Noailles, écrire le jardin après les bombes”
Sarah-Jeanne Beauchamp-Houde et Andrea Oberhuber, Université de Montréal “Agents d/troubles dans La Dame à la louve de Renée Vivien et Héroïnes de Claude Cahun”
Catherine Parayre, Brock University “Expressions en formation : Broncia Koller-Pinell, artiste et amie d’artistes”
Adrien Rannaud, Université de Québec à Montréal “Quand la guerre s’invite au « Royaume des femmes » : Madeleine, mentore littéraire et marraine de guerre pour le journal La Patrie (1914-1918)”
11:00 – 11:30 Pause café (UC 442)
11:30 – 1:00 Groupes III et IV (en parallèle)
Panel III. The Pen is Mightier: Women Writers in the Postwar Climate (UC 430)
Président de la session : Clive Thomson, University of Guelph
Tara Collington, University of Waterloo, and Philip Collington, Niagara University “An Américaine in Paris: Clara Longworth de Chambrun, Critic, Translator, Biographer, Forgotten Shakespearean”
Stephen Armstrong, University of Rochester “Music, Murder, and the Demonic Feminine in Dorothy L. Sayers’s The Nine Tailors”
Amanda Vincent, Wake Forest University "Marie de Régnier, ‘Gérard d’Houville,’ literary prizewinner at the end of the Great War "
Panel IV. Taking the Stage: New Opportunities, New Activism (UC 441)
Présidente de la session : Roxane Prevost, University of Ottawa
Roxane Prevost, University of Ottawa “Lena Ashwell’s ‘Concerts at the Front’: Women Artists on the Frontlines of France (1915-1918)”
Vanessa Blais-Tremblay, McGill University “Maple Leaf Drag: On Vera Guilaroff, Improvisational Agency, and Early Jazz Historiography”
Artis Wodehouse, Independent Scholar, Music Research and Production “Women and the Machine: Great Player Piano Roll Arrangers, 1910-1930”
1:00 – 2:00 Déjeuner (Summerlee Science Complex Atrium)
2:00 – 3:00 Séance plénière (SSC Atrium)
Présidente de la session : Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph
Annegret Fauser, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Women, Creativity, Death: Musical Journeys Out of World War I”
3:00 – 3:30 Pause café (SSC Atrium)
3:30 – 4:30 Table ronde plénière (SSC Atrium)
Alexandra Laederich, Chair, Centre international Nadia et Lili Boulanger
Jillian Rogers, University College Cork
Caroline Potter, University of London
Annegret Fauser, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Kimberly Francis, University of Guelph
5:30 – 7:00 Dîner (University Club, UC)
7:20 Navette à l'église St. George au centre-ville (dehors de l'UC)
8:00 Concert, Deux premières mondiales
Lieu: St. George’s Anglican Church
99 Rue Woolwich, Guelph
3ieme Jour : le dimanche 7 octobre
9:30 – 11:00 Groupes VI et VII (en parallèle)
Panel V. New Life: Expressions of Faith and Renewal in Interwar France (UC 441)
Présidente de la session : Erin Maher, Delaware Valley University
Valerie Mendelson, The New School in New York “Shaped by War: Mabel Gardner and Les Ateliers de l'art sacré”
Kimberly Francis, School of Fine Art and Music, University of Guelph
Elisabeth-Christine Muelsch, Angelo State University “When Filmmaking was Women’s Business”
Panel VI. Fighting Back: Propaganda, War Relief and Postwar Response (UC 430)
Présidente de la session : Sarah Gutsche-Miller, University of Toronto
Sarah Fuchs Sampson, Syracuse University “Emma Calvé’s campagne de propagande”
Catherine A. Hughes, Saint Joseph’s University “Lallah Vandervelde, Social Art, and Belgian Relief Efforts in Wartime London”
Pamela H. Pilch, Westminster Choir College, Rider University “Nora Douglas Holt: Racial Uplift and African-American Musical Culture in the Postwar Years”
11:00 – 11:30 Pause café (UC 442)
11:30 – 1:00 Groupes VIII et IX (en parallèle)
Panel VII. Lessons Learned: Reinventing Resistance Post-WWI (UC 430)
Présidente de la session : Paola Mayer, University of Guelph
Michael E. McGuire (par Skype), Salem State University “Recreating France through Public Cinema: Anne Dike, Anne Morgan, and The Heritage of France (1919)”
Jeffrey H. Jackson, Rhodes College “Claude Cahun, Marcel Moore, and the Queer Art of War”
Mary Ann Steggles, University of Manitoba “Hedwig Bollhagen: Simple Crockery Maker is Recognized as Leading 20th century German Designer, posthumously”
Panel VIII. Women Interrupted: Careers that Spanned the Belle Époque to Les Années Folles (UC 441)
Présidente de la session : Alyssa Woods, University of Guelph
Sarah Gutsche-Miller, University of Toronto “Claiming the Stage for Women Choreographers: What Madame Stichel’s Career in Parisian Theatres tells us about Institutional Constraints in the Early Twentieth Century”
Beverly J. Evans, State University of New York at Geneseo “Marie Laurencin: From “Apollinaire et ses amis” to the Ballets Russes”
Margot Irvine, University of Guelph “Judith Cladel, founder of the Musée Rodin”
1:00 – 1:30 Mot de clôture (UC 442)