PhD student
SOTEC Grad Students
Email: ddowhani@uoguelph.ca
PhD student
SOTEC Grad Students
Email: ddowhani@uoguelph.ca
PhD student
SOTEC Grad Students
Email: bbaldw01@uoguelph.ca
PhD student
SOTEC Grad Students
Email: lcarrave@uoguelph.ca
PhD Graduate
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: tgraha03@uoguelph.ca
PhD student
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: ahinchli@uoguelph.ca
PhD Graduate
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: lmclea05@uoguelph.ca
PhD Candidate
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: cmensah@uoguelph.ca
PhD Student
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
PhD Candidate
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: jrusse17@uoguelph.ca
PhD Candidate
School of Theatre, English, and Creative Writing
Email: jsheacar@uoguelph.ca