The Bill Braithwaite MBA Distinguished Professorial Award

Posted on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014

MBA students have established a new award to recognize teaching excellence. The Bill Braithwaite MBA Distinguished Professorial Award is the first granted by CME students to an instructor teaching in the MBA program. The award will honour one of our most dedicated MBA Faculty and Advisor, Bill Braithwaite.  

The winning instructor must demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge, clarity in methodology and organization of materials, effective methods of presentation, assistance to students in understanding the value and relevance of the subject matter and course materials at the graduate level, both within the discipline and in a broader context. This award is limited to Guelph MBA instructors who have taught at least one course in the last two years to the 2012 MBA cohort. Faculty who have been nominated by  2012 MBA students are:

Mike Von Massow, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Geoff Smith, Department of Business
Joan Flaherty, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Bruce McAdams, School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
Rumina Dhalla, Department of Business

We would like to congratulate all of the nominees for this year. The winner will be announced at our Annual MBA Banquet on May 1, 2014 by Bill Braithwaite himself.

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