Interdisciplinary Programs | College of Arts

Interdisciplinary Programs

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The Interdisciplinary Programs sector in the College of Arts presents exciting programs that bring together learning opportunities from across the Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Computer Sciences, Business, and Leadership. Encouraging students to consider new solutions to life’s complicated problems, these courses allow students to synthesise knowledge and methods from a variety of fields and think creatively and concretely about the world around them. Led by internationally-renowned faculty, these programs provide opportunities for cutting-edge experiential learning. These interdisciplinary programs will see students discuss the latest research in thriving areas of inquiry, placing them in the vanguard of today’s thinkers. These programs train students in highly-flexible and competitive skills and graduates will emerge as leaders in today’s complex world.

Take a look at our programs in Black Canadian Studies, Culture and Technology Studies, Sexualities, Genders, and Social Change, and our graduate collaborative specialization in Sexualities, Genders, and Bodies.

Undergraduate Programs

Graduate Programs
