APFUCC Conference | College of Arts

APFUCC Conference

The dates of the Women in French Conference have been selected for a number of reasons, one of which is to offer participants the option of submitting a paper proposal to another nearby conference which will take place just after the WIF conference.  This is the conference of the Association des professeur.es de français des collèges et universités canadiens.  APFUCC will hold its annual conference at Brock University from Sunday May 25 to Wednesday May 28, 2014.  Brock University is less than an hour from the University of Guelph campus.  The organizers of the WIF conference thought some participants might be interested in the possibility of attending two conferences in the same region.  For any information on APFUCC and its conference, please visit apfucc.net, or contact us at wif.conference.14@gmail.com.