Public Lectures
Understanding changing societies
through social and individual multilingualism
Gessica De Angelis
Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Tuesday, November 15th
Meeting ID: 950 7216 3697
Multilingualism is a growing phenomenon in many parts of the world, and like any new reality, it brings with it great opportunities and significant challenges. Canada is one of the many multilingual countries in the world where different languages coexist, but most importantly, where many individuals function using different languages in their daily lives. What does this entail for academia and, more broadly, for education? Are we ready to face the challenges that already exist and those that lie ahead of us? I will be discussing some of the most significant benefits and difficulties associated with multilingualism today for students, academic programs, employers, and local economies, showing how the linguistic and cultural capital derived from multilingualism is underutilized, often ignored, and generally misunderstood in modern societies.
Gessica De Angelis is Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics/TESOL in the Department of Teacher Education of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. She has worked in the UK, Canada, Italy, and Ireland. She has published extensively on crosslinguistic influence, multilingual teacher education, multilingual testing and assessment, and multilingual language acquisition and development. Her publications include the books Third or Additional Language Acquisition (2007) and Multilingual Testing and Assessment (2021) as well as edited volumes and journal articles on multilingualism research. She has been actively involved with the International Association of Multilingualism, serving as Vice-President (2009–11; 2012–2014), Treasurer (2014–2016) and Board Member (2004–2016).
For more information, please contact Prof. Alena Barysevich

Voyage au bout de la mémoire
Alain Doom
Auteur dramatique, comédien, professeur
Lundi, 4 Avril, 14h30-15h30
Pour le lien ZOOM, écrivez à la Prof. Stéphanie Nutting
An ecolinguistic exploration of origin and creation narratives
Arran Stibbe
University of Gloucestershire
RE SCHEDULED - Thursday, Feb. 3
1:00 to 2:15 pm EST
This talk will illustrate how ecolinguistics can be applied to the analysis of narrative, with a focus on narratives of creation and origin in religion and science. The aim is to reveal underlying worldviews behind origin stories by examining the sequencing of events, the logical connections between events, and the ways that narratives select and highlight the main characters. By doing this it is possible to reveal hidden messages which shape relationships between humans, other species and the natural environment.
Professor Stibbe is a leading figure in ecolinguistics and the founder of the International Ecolinguistics Association, which has more than 800 members. His research and teaching examine how language encodes the stories we live by, and shapes how we see ourselves and our relationship with other animals and the earth. This involves linguistic analysis of a wide range of discourses, from advertising which encourages people to buy unnecessary and ecologically damaging products, to the inspirational language of nature writing. He has been awarded a National Teaching Fellowship for excellence in teaching.
For more information, please contact Prof. Rosario Gómez:
Que faire des classiques?
FREN*3090: Classics of French Literature
Dr. Reginald McGinnis
University of Arizona
Reginald McGinnis est professeur de littérature française à l’Université d’Arizona. Il a publié aux éditions Belin un essai sur Baudelaire, La Prostitution sacrée, et, aux Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, Essai sur l’origine de la mystification. Il est aussi l’auteur d’un livre écrit avec John Vignaux Smyth, Mock Ritual in the Modern Era, qui sera publié en 2022 par Oxford University Press, et de deux articles sur Baudelaire, parus d’abord en 1998 et 2007, récemment traduits en portugais pour un numéro special bicentenaire de la revue Triplov:
Le Jeudi, 20 Janvier
2:30 pm – 3:50 pm
Pour le lien ZOOM, écrivez à la Prof. Ania Wroblewski
Traduire la littérature expérimentale:
Réactions du public
Lectures de textes de Chloé Delaume par
Eugénie Péron-Douté
et de leurs traductions par
Dawn Cornelio
Eugénie Péron-Doute (Doctorante à l’Université de Limoges, spécialiste des études de genre et de l’œuvre de Chloé Delaume)
et Dawn M. Cornelio (Traductrice et professeure en études françaises à l’Université de Guelph)
Le Jeudi, 18 Novembre
2:30 pm – 4 pm
Pour le lien Teams, écrivez à la Prof. Dawn Cornelio
On Multilingual Practices:
and Intercomprehensive
Strategies Applied to 3rd+ Language
Dr. Cedric Joseph Oliva
– Assistant Professor of Modern Languages and Director of the French and Italian Programs - Bryant University
Tuesday, November 9th
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
For more information and team link, contact:
Dr. Alena Barysevich
Écrire à partir de Chloé Delaume :
Atelier d’écriture créative
Atelier d’écriture créative mené par
Eugénie Péron-Douté
Doctorante à l’Université de Limoges, spécialiste des études de genre et de l’œuvre de Chloé Delaume
À partir d’un texte écrit par Chloé Delaume et quelques contraintes créatives, les participant·es seront invité·es à rédiger leur propre court texte littéraire et à le partager avec le groupe.
Le Jeudi, 4 Novembre
2:20 pm – 4 pm
Pour le lien Teams, écrivez à la Prof. Dawn Cornelio
Old Boxes
with Stuffy Papers:
Why Archival Research is Crucial.
Michael Rosenfeld
Postdoctoral Fellow, Université libre de Bruxelles, STRIGES research group (Structure de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le genre, l’égalité et la sexualité)
The translation of his 2017 book Confessions d’un homosexuel à Émile Zola: roman d’un inverti, will be published in 2022 by Columbia University Press: The Italian Invert: A Gay Man’s Intimate Confessions to Émile Zola.
Monday, October 25th
2:20 pm – 4 pm
For more information and team link, contact:
Prof. Clive Thomson
Breaking the ‘Pact of Oblivion’:
Filling the Gaps in My Family History from the Spanish Civil War to the Postwar Period.
Serena Aznar Ballarín
Crossways in Cultural Narratives MA
Thursday, September 30th
1:00 pm – 2:20 pm
Serena Aznar Ballarín is a recent graduate from the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's program "Crossways in Cultural Narratives." She studied at three universities: Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), University of Guelph (Canada), and Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (Germany). Her dissertation, titled Filling the Gaps/Lacuna in Spain’s Personal and National Dismemory, focuses on the personal and collective memory gap that exists in Spain in relation to the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist dictatorship.
For more information and team link, contact:
Prof. Parmegiani
Le Théâtre franco-ontarien:
perspectives contemporaines
Joël Beddows
BA, DEA, Ph.D., Artistic Direcor of the Théâtre français de Toronto and Associate Professor in the Theatre Department, University of Ottawa
Le mardi 23 mars 2021
8:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Prof. Joël Beddows, will join us to share his experience as a theatre director, an artistic director (Théâtre français de Toronto) and professor of theatre at the University of Ottawa. He will offer an insider's perspective on the works of Michel Ouellette and Jean Marc Dalpé as well as on Franco-Ontarian theatre as a whole. This informal event will be held in French.
En tant que metteur en scène, Joël Beddows propose depuis deux décennies des expériences artistiques où se conjuguent symbolisme, poésie et commentaire social. Que ce soit dans le champ de la création ou du répertoire, chaque projet est un laboratoire où il cherche à remettre en question les repères et les clichés de notre existence contemporaine. Il est professeur agrégé au Département de théâtre de l’Université d’Ottawa depuis 2002 et assure la direction artistique du Théâtre français de Toronto depuis 2016.
For the ZOOM Link, contact:
Prof. Stéphanie Nutting
De l’enfance,
de l’âge et de la dépense du temps.
Dr Maïté Snauwaert
University of Alberta
Lundi, 22 mars 2021
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
Maïté Snauwaert est professeure agrégée de littérature à l’Université de l’Alberta. Elle est l’auteure des essais Philippe Forest, la littérature à contretemps (Cécile Defaut, 2012) Duras et le cinéma (Place, 2018), et La Douleur (d’Emmanuel Finkiel) (Gremese, 2019). Subventionnée par le Conseil de Recherches en Sciences humaines du Canada, sa recherche s’intéresse aux journaux de deuil contemporains et aux œuvres littéraires représentant la fin de vie, le vieillissement, et les formes fragilisées de la vie humaine au 21e siècle.
For the ZOOM Link, contact:
Prof. Margot Irvine
Religious and Cultural Tolerance
in Lessing's Nathan the Wise
Dr. Andrea Speltz
Queen’s University
Wednesday, February 24th
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Andrea Speltz holds a PhD in German Studies from Queen's University. She has taught German and Cultural Studies at the University of Waterloo and is currently Instructional Design Associate at the Law School at Queen's University. She has published on various aspects of the German and European Enlightenment, in a comparative perspective.
For more information and team link, contact:
Prof. Paola Mayer:
The New Normal?
The future of International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs) in a post-COVID world
Jessie Thomson
Vice President of Strategic Planning (Interim)
Monday, November 16
2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Jessie Thomson holds an Honours BA degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of Toronto and a Master of Science degree in International Development Studies from the London School of Economics. Jessie has been working on issues related to international development and humanitarian assistance for more than 15 years. With a career spanning multiple sectors, including the Canadian public service, the United Nations, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and now CARE Canada, Jessie brings a unique perspective on the critical operational and policy questions facing international development and humanitarian action. Jessie joined CARE Canada in 2011, focused on Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Response. Now, as Vice-President of Strategic Planning, Jessie is leading the development of CARE Canada’s next strategic plan.
For more information and Zoom link, contact:
Le Paris des écrivains homosexuels
à la fin du XIXe siècle
Michael Rosenfeld
Lundi, le 24 novembre 2020, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Michael Rosenfeld a soutenu une thèse en juin 2020 en cotutelle à l’Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle et l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), intitulée Formes et figures de l'homosexualité dans le discours social, les écrits personnels et la littérature en France et en Belgique de 1870 à 1905. Il a enseigné la littérature juive et israélienne ainsi que la langue hébraïque en licence et en master au département d’études hébraïques et juives à l’Université de Strasbourg de 2014 à 2017. Il est l’auteur de : Confessions d’un homosexuel à Émile Zola (2017).
Pour obtenir plus d’informations et le lien Zoom, contacter:
Yucatec Mayan Identity
Julieta Alejandra Arriaga Suárez
Wednesday, November 10, 3 pm – 4 pm
Julieta Alejandra Arriaga Suárez's research focuses on Yucatec Mayan children and explores how their lived space, social relationships and structures, influence their knowledge and practices, and how these are affected by cultural continuity and change. Arriaga Suárez also worked on topics related to the acquisition of native language and socialization processes in indigenous Teenek communities in San Luis Potosí, Mexico. She has also complied stories in the Mazahua communities of Michoacán, Mexico.
For more information and Zoom link, contact Gordana Yovanovich or Rosario Gomez
Visual Pedagogies:
Teaching Can Be a Real Drag (Show)
Tommy Mayberry
Monday, November 2, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Tommy Mayberry (he/she/they) is the Manager of Outreach and Recruitment at St. Jerome’s University at the University of Waterloo. As an academic drag queen, Tommy works and researches from an embodied standpoint to explore, both individually and intersectionally, gender, pedagogy, performance, language, social media, and reality TV (to name but a few) and has presented academic work and research across Canada and internationally in Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC, and Honolulu.
For more information and Zoom link, contact
Mainstream Identity is a Golden Cage
Author and Visiting Professor, New York University
Wednesday October 28, 2020 2:30pm-3:30pm (ET)
In my life, I have never been part of a mainstream identity. I was born in Algeria to a very Berber family. I lived for 25 years as a minority in this Arabic context. In 1995, I immigrated to Italy and I experienced the challenges of belonging to the Muslim North African minority in Italy, especially after September 11th, 2001. In 2014, I moved to New York. This peripheral identity has pushed me to continually ask myself: How can I reconcile my culture of origin with new cultures? How should I behave with the majority population? How can I avoid ethnic ghettoization, exclusion, and self-exclusion? My peripheral identity is an important key for understanding my life and the basis of many of my novels that I have published in both Arabic and Italian.
About the Speaker:
Amara Lakhous was born in Algeria in 1970. He moved to Italy in 1995. He has a degree in philosophy from the University of Algiers and another in cultural anthropology from the University of Rome, La Sapienza where he completed a Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Living Islam as a Minority.” He is the author of five novels, three of which were written in both Arabic and Italian. His best known works are the much acclaimed Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio (2008), Divorce Islamic Style (2012), Dispute over an Very Italian Piglet (2014). The Prank of the Good Little Virgin in Via Ormea, came out in Italian in 2014 and published in English by Europa Editions in May 2016. The latest novel in Arabic Tir al-lil, The Bat (2019).
His novels have been translated from Italian into many languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese, Danish and Berber. Lakhous has been awarded, among others, the Flaiano Prize in Italy in 2006 and the Algerians Booksellers Prize in 2008. Clash of Civilizations Over an Elevator in Piazza Vittorio has been adapted into a movie by the Italian director Isotta Toso in 2010 and many theater productions and it was chosen for the 2014 New Student Reading Project at Cornell University.
He moved to New York City in August of 2014. And he is currently a visiting professor at New York University.
Virtual Location and Access:
For more information and Zoom link contact: Professor Dorothy Odartey-Wellington at
Black Italians # Digital Culture in Contemporary Italy
(activist, producer, filmmaker)
Wednesday October 21, 2020 2:30pm-3:30pm (ET)
This multi-media lecture is an introduction to issues of culture, race, identity, and citizenship in contemporary Italy drawing the new arena of social media. An entire generation of Black Italians, specifically artists, entrepreneurs and bloggers (especially millennials) has been affirming itself in Italian culture and society thus progressively gaining more visibility from the 1990s. This has helped to shine a spotlight on the Global Black Diaspora. Entrepreneurship has emerged as an important strategy for Black Italian Youth seeking to advance new narratives about Blackness, transforming Italian material culture, and the meaning of Italianness itself. Digital Media Art and Entrepreneurship is only one example of a nascent Black spatial politics in Italy.
About the Speaker:
Fred Kudjo Kuwornu is an activist-producer-filmmaker born and raised in Italy and based in Brooklyn. His mother is an Italian Jew, and his father a Ghanaian surgeon who lived in Italy since the early 60's. Fred Kuwornu holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Mass Media. After his experience, working with the production crew of Spike Lee’s “Miracle at St. Anna”, Fred decided to research the unknown story of the 92nd Infantry “Buffalo Soldiers” Division, discovering and documenting the journey taken by the real 92nd Infantry veterans, and the entire African American segregated combat unit, which fought in Europe during WW II. Fred thus produced and directed the Award-winning documentary Inside Buffalo (“Best Documentary” at the Black Berlin International Cinema Festival). Inside Buffalo had viewings at the Pentagon, the Library of Congress and it received a letter of congratulations by President Barack Obama. In 2012, he released 18 IUS SOLI which examines multiculturalism in Italy but also specifically looks at questions of citizenship for the one million children of immigrants born and raised in Italy but are not yet Italian citizens. In 2016 he produced Blaxploitalian 100 Years of Blackness in Italian Cinema. He is currently developing a concept platform "Baq•IT" about Black Italians’ History.
Virtual Location and Access:
For more information and Zoom link contact: Professor Dorothy Odartey-Wellington at