French Translation II F17 (FREN*3500) | College of Arts

French Translation II F17 (FREN*3500)

Code and section: FREN*3500*01

Term: Fall 2017

Instructor: tba


Descriptif du cours :
This course introduces students to an analysis of the similarities and contrasts between French and English grammar. As well, the course introduces students to analysis of various literary styles, and to their application in written translation.

Acquis d’apprentissage :
A la fin du cours, chaque étudiant.e saura Ø traduire un court passage littéraire de l’anglais vers le français. Ø traduire des phrases isolées de l’anglais vers le français et vice versa Ø résumer les points particuliers des différentes théories de la traduction, comparer ces
théories et les évaluerThis course introduces students to an analysis of the similarities and contrasts between French and English grammar. As well, the course introduces students to analysis of various literary styles, and to their application in written translation.          


More information about the courses can be found in the Undergraduate Calendar