SOLAL Final oral examination presentation by: Kuusta Laird Barry (LACS) | College of Arts

SOLAL Final oral examination presentation by: Kuusta Laird Barry (LACS)

Date and Time


Mackinnon 026



The Final Oral Examination


Kuusta Laird Barry

A candidate for the Master of Arts Degree in Latin American and Caribbean Studies

will be held on Friday, Sept. 5, 2014


in Mackinnon 026

Thesis Topic:

Troubling Frames: Linking Past, Present and Future Through

An In-Depth Analysis of the Madres de Plaza de Mayo



Advisor: Candace Johnson, Political Science/LACS

Examiner: Carol Dauda, Political Science

Committee members: Stuart McCook, History/LACS

Gordana Yovanovich, LACS

Chair of the Committee: Ruediguer Mueller,  SOLAL Director


Everyone is Invited to Attend presentation