Stephen Henighan | College of Arts

Stephen Henighan

Picture of Professor Stephen Henighan
Professor, Academic Advisor for Spanish and Hispanic Studies
School of Languages and Literatures
Phone number: 
1-519-824-4120 ext. 54489
MacKinnon 274


  • B.A., Swarthmore College
  • M.A., Concordia University
  • D.Phil., University of Oxford

Fields of Specialization

  • 20th & 21st Century Spanish American Fiction
  • Lusophone African Literature




Current Research Projects:
  • New fiction
  • Comparative post-revolutionary literature: Nicaragua, Angola, Mozambique.



  • The World of After. Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2021. 
  • [Stephen Henighan and Candace Johnson, eds.] Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 2018.
  • Blue River and Red Earth. Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2018.
  • Mr. Singh Among the Fugitives. Montreal: Linda Leith Publishing, 2017.
  • The Path of the Jaguar.  Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2016. Spanish translation: La senda del jaguar. Guatemala:  F&G Editores, 2022. 
  • Sandino's Nation: Ernesto Cardenal and Sergio Ramírez Writing Nicaragua, 1940-2012. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 2014.
  • A Green Reef:  The Impact of Climate Change. Westmount, Quebec: Linda Leith Publishing,  2013. German translation: Unsere Welt in Gefahr. Klimawandel und Zivilisation. Hamburg: Alouette Verlag, 2014.
  • A Report on the Afterlife of Culture. Emeryville, Ont.: Biblioasis, 2008.
  • A Grave in the Air. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2007.
  • [Guiomar Borrás A., James M. Hendrickson, Stephen Henighan & Antonio Velásquez] Intercambios: Spanish for Global Communication, First Canadian Edition. Toronto: Thomson Nelson, 2006.
  • [Michelle Evers, Guiomar Borrás A., James M. Hendrickson, Stephen Henighan & Antonio Velásquez] Intercambios: Spanish for Global Communication. Workbook/Laboratory Manual. First Canadian Edition. Toronto: Thomson Nelson Inc., 2006.
  • The Streets of Winter. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2004.
  • Lost Province: Adventures in a Moldovan Family. Vancouver: Beach Holme Publishing, 2002. Romanian translation: Provincia pierdutǎ. Aventuri ȋ​ntr-o familie moldovaneascǎ. Chişinǎu, Moldova: Editurǎ ARC, 2005.
  • When Words Deny the World: The Reshaping of Canadian Writing. Erin, Ont.: The Porcupine’s Quill, 2002.
  • Assuming the Light: The Parisian Literary Apprenticeship of Miguel Ángel Asturias. Oxford, U.K.: Legenda, 1999.
  • North of Tourism. Dunvegan, Ont.: Cormorant Books, 1999.
  • The Places Where Names Vanish. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 1998.
  • Nights in the Yungas. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 1992.
  • Other Americas. Toronto: Simon & Pierre, 1990.
Books Translated
  •  Europolis by Jean Bart.  Budapest-Vienna: Central European University Press, forthcoming 2025.  Translation, from Romanian, of Europolis (Bucharest: Editura Adevărul, 1933). 
  •  The Country of Toó by Rodrigo Rey Rosa.  Windsor, Ont:  Biblioasis, 2023.  Translation, from Spanish, of El país de Toó (Barcelona: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial, 2018). 
  • Transparent City by Ondjaki. Windsor, Ont.: Biblioasis,  2018.    London:  Europa Editions UK, 2021.  Translation, from Portuguese, of Os Transparentes (Lisboa: Caminho, 2012).   
  • Granma Nineteen and the Soviet's Secret  by Ondjaki.  Windsor, Ont: Biblioasis, 2014.  Translation, from Portuguese, of AvóDezanove e o Segredo do Soviético (Lisboa: Caminho, 2008).
  • The Accident by Mihail Sebastian. Emeryville, Ont: Biblioasis, 2011. Translation, from Romanian, of Accidentul (Bucharest: Fundatia Regala, 1940).
  • Good Morning Comrades by Ondjaki. Emeryville, Ont.: Biblioasis, 2008. Translation, from Portuguese, of Bom dia camaradas (Lisboa: Caminho, 2003).
Book Chapters
 1. Critical
  • "Transcontinental Waters:  The Anti-Postcolonial Tide in Angolan Fiction and Film,"  Postcolonial Oceans: Contradictions and Heterogeneities in the Epistemes of Salt Water (Heidelberg, Germany: Heidelberg University Publishing, 2022),  eds. Sukla Chatterjee, Joanna Chojnicka, Anna-Katharina Hornidge and Kerstin Kopf: 305-326..
  • "Disaster Innovation in the Mid-Century  Spanish-American Novel:  Carpentier, Asturias, Donoso,"   Latin American Literature in Transition, 1930-1980  (Cambridge, UK:  Cambridge University Press, 2022), eds. Amanda Holmes and Par Kumaraswami: 65-80.
  • [Stephen Henighan and Candace Johnson] "Conclusion," Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), eds. Stephen Henighan and Candace Johnson: 228-249.
  • "Human and Environmental Justice in the Work of Rodrigo Rey Rosa," Human and Environmental Justice in Guatemala (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018), eds. Stephen Henighan and Candace Johnson: 173-213.
  • "An Ambiguous Voice," Luminous Ink (Toronto: Cormorant Books, 2018), eds. Tessa McWatt, Rabindranath Maharaj and Dionne Brand: 75-82.
  • “Mitteleuropa Mothers in Montreal: Cultural Correspondences Between Mavis Gallant and Clark Blaise,” Clark Blaise: Essays on His Works (Toronto: Guernica Editions, 2016), ed. J.R.  (Tim) Struthers: 97-131.
  • "Diversity in the Homeland: The Changing Meaning of Transylvania in Mihail Sebastian’s The Accident,” Europe in its own Eyes, Europe in the Eyes of the Other (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2014), eds. David B. MacDonald and Mary-Michelle DeCoste: 147-156.
  • "Literature Survives Through its Variety, " Producing Canadian Literature. Authors Speak on the Literary Marketplace (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2013), eds. Kit Dobson and Smaro Kamboureli: 130-149.
  • "How the Giller Prize Swallowed Canadian Literature,"  Best Canadian Essays 2012 (Barrie, Ont.: Tightrope Books, 2012), eds. Ray Robertson and Christopher Doda: 86-116.
  • “Every Man is an Island: The Fiction of Adolfo Bioy Casares,” Adolfo Bioy Casares: Borges, Fiction and Art (Cardiff: U. of Wales P.,  2012), ed. Karl Posso:  89-112.
  • “The Erosion of Angolan Utopianism from Pepetela’s Ngunga’s Adventures to Maria João Ganga’s Hollow City,” 1st International Conference Proceedings. Language, Literature & Linguistics (L32012). (Singapore: Global Science & Technology Forum, 2012), ed. Daniel Newman:  242-248. 
  • “From Exile to the Pandilla: The Construction of the Hispanic-Canadian Male Subject in Cobro Revertido and Côte-des-Nègres,” Latin American Identities After 1980 (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2010), eds. Gordana Yovanovich and Amy Huras: 285-298.
  • "Lo femenino como nostalgia en La Fiesta del Chivo, El paraíso en la otra esquina, y Travesuras de la Niña Mala,” Perú en el espejo de Vargas Llosa (Puebla, México: Universidad de las Américas, 2008), eds. Javier Vargas de Luna y Emilia Deffis: 53-68.
  • “A Reduced Solitude: Eugen Giurgiu’s Ewoclem sau Intortocheatele carari as Romanian-Canadian Literature,” Canadian Cultural Exchange/ Échanges culturels au Canada. Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2007, eds. Norman Cheadle and Lucien Pelletier: 201-222.
  • “‘I Blame Printed Books’: Reading Douglas Glover’s Elle Through Don Quixote,” The Art of Desire: The Fiction of Douglas Glover. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2004, ed. Bruce Stone: 141-157.
  • “History After History’s End: Cultural Reconstruction in Margarita, está linda la mar,” Latin American Narratives and Cultural Identity: Selected Readings. New York/ Berne: Peter Lang Inc., 2004, eds. Irene Maria F. Blayer and Mark Cronlund Anderson: 62-74.
  • “Caribbean Masks: Frantz Fanon and Alejo Carpentier,” Postcolonial Perspectives on the Cultures of Latin America and Lusophone Africa. Liverpool, U.K.: Liverpool UP, 2000, ed. Robin Fiddian: 169-190.
  • “The Pope’s Errant Son: Breton and Alejo Carpentier,” André Breton: The Power of Language. Exeter, U.K.: Elm Bank Press, 2000, ed. Ramona Fotiade: 139-148.
 2. Fiction Anthologies
  • "Blue River Hotel,"  The Best Peace Fiction: A Social Justice Anthology . Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2021, eds.  Robert Olen Butler & Phong Nguyen: 133-161. 
  • "A Grave in the Air," The Voyeur's Caravan: Travel Stories.  Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 2015, ed. Allan Forrie:  111-186.
  • “MacAnally’s Z,” Maryland High School Assessments .  Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service, 2009.
  • “The Breath of the Turtle,” Best Canadian Stories 04. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2004, ed. Douglas Glover: 102-116.
  • “The Origins of Exile,” The May Anthologies: Tenth Anniversary Edition. Cambridge, U.K.: Varsity/ Cherwell, 2002, eds. Andrew Motion and Nick Cave: 137-152.
  • “The Farm,” A Room at the Heart of Things: The Work That Came to Me. Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1998, ed. Elisabeth Harvor: 78‑83.
  • “Nights in the Yungas,” What Is Already Known: 20th Anniversary Anthology. Saskatoon: Thistledown Press, 1995, ed. Seán Virgo: 254‑257.
  • “The Tongue Below,” The 1995 May Anthology of Oxford and Cambridge Short Stories. Oxford: Varsity/Cherwell, 1995, ed. John Holloway: 1‑16.
  • “The Origins of Exile,” The 1994 May Anthology of Oxford and Cambridge Short Stories. Oxford: Varsity/Cherwell, 1994, ed. Stephen Fry: 93‑118.
  • “The Border,” 32 Degrees: Prose, Poetry and Drama from Concordia University’s Creative Writing Program. Montréal: DC Books, 1993, ed. Raymond Beauchemin: 232‑238.
  • “Moving Houses,” The 1993 May Anthology of Oxford and Cambridge Short Stories. Oxford: Varsity/Cherwell, 1993, ed. Michael Dibdin: 41‑51.
  • “Cochabamba,” Engaged Elsewhere: Short Stories by Canadians Abroad. Kingston, Ont.: Quarry Press, 1989, ed. Kent Thompson: 95‑107.
  • “MacAnally’s Z,” Telling Differences: New English Fiction from Quebec. Montréal: Véhicule Press, 1989, ed. Linda Leith: 64‑70.
  • “Nights in the Yungas,” Souvenirs: New English Fiction from Quebec. Dunvegan, Ont.: Cormorant Books, 1987, ed. P. Scott Lawrence: 80‑85.
 Refereed Articles
 1. Critical
  • "'Nossos Amorizades': Homosexual Love in José Luandino Vieira's João Vêncio: os seus amores,"  Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (forthcoming). 
  • "Defending the City in Pepetela's O Tímido e as Mulheres," The Modern Language Review Vol. 116 No. 1 (January 2021): 113-131. 
  • "Cold War Chronology in Vargas Llosa's Travesuras de la niña mala,"  Romance Studies, Vol. 37 No. 2 (2019): 84-94. 
  • "The Construction of Masculinity in Bryce Echenique's Un mundo para Julius," Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Vol. 96 No. 4 (2019): 675-689.
  • “‘Memórias emprestadas’: From the Post-National State to the End of Socialist Internationalism in Ondjaki’s AvóDezanove e o Segredo do Soviético and Olhos Azuis pelas Esquinas,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool), Vol. 94 No. 10 (2017): 1133-1149.
  • "Le Boom, sa vie, son oeuvre,” L’Inconvénient. Revue littéraire d’essai et de création. Numéro 52 (Printemps 2013): 7-18.  
  • “An Ordered Eden: The Ideal Administration in Ernesto Cardenal’s El estrecho dudoso,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies, Vol. LXXXIX No. 1 (2012): 105-124.
  •  "The Writer in the University: Chronicle of a Death Foretold,"  Wascana Review , Vol. 43 No. 1 (2011): 144-150.
  • “Ernesto Cardenal’s Hora 0: A Conservative National Epic,” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. XXXV No. 2 (Fall 2011): 329-350.
  • “The Cuban Fulcrum and the Search for a Transatlantic Revolutionary Culture in Angola, Mozambique and Chile, 1965-2008,” Journal of Transatlantic Studies, Vol. 7 No. 3 (Summer 2009): 233-248.
  • “Nuevas versiones de lo femenino en La Fiesta del Chivo, El paraíso en la otra esquina y Traversuras de la Niña Mala,” Hispanic Review, Vol. 77 No. 3 (Summer 2009): 369-388.
  • “O Solitudine Marginată,` Vatra, Anul XXXV, nr. 449 (August 2008): 45-49. 
  • “A Rosary of Disbelief: Unity Beyond the Nation in O Fio das Missangas,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, Vol. 84 No. 4 (2007), pp. 489-501.
  • “Forged Testimonies: Fabricating the Nation in Sergio Ramírez’s Sombras nada más,” The Modern Language Review, Vol. 102 No. 3 (July 2007), pp. 737-752.
  • Muana Puó and Mayombe: Colonial Pasts and Utopian Futures in Two Early Works by Pepetela,” Romance Quarterly (forthcoming, Vol. 54 No. 3 (Summer 2007): 164-177.
  •  “Uma Entrevista com Ondjaki,” Hispanic Research Journal, Vol. 7 No. 4 (2006): 365-371.
  • “‘Um James Bond Subdesenvolvido’: The Ideological Work of the Angolan Detective in Pepetela’s Jaime Bunda Novels,” Portuguese Studies Vol. 22 Number 1 (2006): 135-152.
  • Writers After the Revolution: A Comparative Framework for Spanish American and Lusophone African Literature. (Bristol, U.K.: Bristol University Department of Hispanic, Portuguese and Latin American Studies Occasional Papers Series No. 37, September 2005), 39pp.
  • [Frédérique Arroyas et Stephen Henighan], “Multiculturalisme ou discours néo-colonial dans Québécité de George Elliott Clarke,” Tangence # 76 (2004): 109-137.
  • “No History to Absolve Them: Spanish-American Revolutionary Discourse After 1990,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool), Vol. 81, No. 4 (2004): 511-520.
  • “The Reconstruction of Femininity in Gallegos’s Doña Bárbara,” Latin American Literary Review # 64 (2004): 29-45.
  • “El hundimiento de la Casa Europa: Una reescritura carpenteriana de Edgar Allan Poe,” Foro hispánico. Revista hispánica de Flandes y Holanda # 25 (2004): 85-95.
  • “Mad Land, My Land: The Problem of National Identity in Vargas Llosa’s La casa verde,” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. XXVII, No. 2 (Invierno 2003): 253-270.
  • “Multiple Edges: Latino Fiction, Spanish American Novel, Canadian Writing in the Americas,” The New Quarterly, Vol. XX No. 3 (2001): 4-13.
  • “Two Paths to the Boom: Carpentier, Asturias and the Performative Split,” The Modern Language Review, Vol. 94 No. 4 (October 1999): 1009‑1024.
  • “The Metaphor War and the Proverb Artillery: Language and Power in Skármeta’s Ardiente paciencia,” Romance Notes, Vol. 39 No. 2, (1999): 177‑183.
  • “El indígena y el alma nacional en El problema social de Asturias: fuentes de una investigación,” Hispamérica, Año XXVII Números 80/81 (1998): 207‑215.
  • “The Canadian Writer Between Post‑Colonialism and Globalization,” The New Quarterly, Vol. XVIII No. 2 (Summer 1998): 33‑50.
  • “Coming to Benengeli: The Genesis of Salman Rushdie’s Rewriting of Juan Rulfo in The Moor’s Last Sigh,” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Vol. 33 No. 2 (1998): 55‑74.
  • “The Trapped Bachelor: Doubles and Escape, from Paris to the Post‑Boom,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Glasgow) Vol. LXXV No. 2 (April 1998): 221‑235.
  • “Alejo Carpentier and the Surrealist Legacy in Spanish American Fiction,” International Quarterly, Vol. III # 1 (Spring 1998): 29‑31.
  • “Lands of Corn: Guatemalan‑Romanian Analogies in the Work of Miguel Angel Asturias,” Romance Studies, No. 27 (Spring 1997): 85‑96.
  • “Bearded Self/Heroic Love: M.A. Asturias’ ‘La barba provisional’ and Robert Desnos’ La liberté ou l’amour!,Comparative Literature Studies, Vol. 33 # 3 (1996): 280‑296.
  • “The Indian and the ‘National Soul’ in the Early Sociological Writings of Miguel Angel Asturias,” Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin‑American Studies # 1 (Winter 1994): 47‑58.
  • “Asturias’s Arquitectura: A Novelist’s First Construction,” Journal of Hispanic Research, Vol. 2 # 3 (Summer 1994): 385‑392.
  • “Writing in Canadian: The Problem of the Novel,” Hungarian Studies in English, Vol. XXI (1990): 79‑85.
  • “Škvorecký and Canadian Cultural Cringe,” Canadian Literature # 116 (Spring 1988): 253‑259.
  • “Myths of Making It: Structure and Vision in Richler and Beauchemin,” Essays on Canadian Writing # 36 (Spring 1988): 22‑37.


2. Fiction

  • "One Night in Her Life," The Dalhousie Review Vol. 102 No. 1 (2022): 46-51.
  • "Hired Heritage," Ryga: A Journal of Provocations # 10 (2019), 10pp.
  • "Three Fingers," Prairie Fire, Vol. 38 No. 2 (Summer 2017): 5-21.
  • "Blue River Hotel," Ploughshares E-book (August 2017); print: Vol. 44 No. 3 (Fall 2018) 2-33.
  • "The Telescope," The Nashwaak Review, Vol. 34/35 No. 1 ((Summer/Fall 2015): 218-228.
  • "Grade," Numéro Cinq, May 2013, 5pp.
  • "My Soul Will Be in Paris,"  The Antigonish Review # 172 (Winter 2013): 89-99. 
  • How I Became a Muslim,” University Affairs, Vol. 52 No. 5 (June-July 2011): 20-23.
  •  “Terms of Surrender,” Ryga: A Journal of Provocations, No. 1 (2009): 83-88.
  •  “Who Killed Martin Coombs?” The Malahat Review # 167 (2009): 69-87.
  •  “After the Hurricane,” Grain, Vol. 36 No. 3 (2009): 28-35.
  •  “Road Accidents,” The New Quarterly # 105 (2008): 116-120.
  •  “La Santiaguera,” Descant #134, Vol. 37 No. 4 (2006): 56-73.
  •  “Motive ale exilului,” Lettre Internationale # 54 (2005): 89-96.
  •  “The Killing Past,” Prairie Fire, Vol. 26 No. 2 (2005): 31-51.
  • “Nothing Wishes to Be Different,” The Antigonish Review # 140 (2005): 11-22.
  • “Where Are You in America?” Prairie Fire, Vol. 26 No. 1 (2005): 30-35.
  • “The Breath of the Turtle,” Matrix # 64 (2003): 47-50.
  • “Femeia din Baku,” Lettre Internationale # 43 (2002): 82-86.
  • “The Reverse Wedding March,” Carousel # 13 (2001): 108-115.
  • “The Reverse Wedding March” [excerpt], Off the Shelf # LXXX (2001), p.7.
  • “Road Accidents,” Standard Hostility Index [on-line], (2001), 1 pp.
  • “Miss Why,” Queen Street Quarterly, Vol. 4 # 3 (2000): 55-60.
  • “North of Tourism,” International Quarterly, Vol. 3 No. 4 (2000): 94-100.
  • “The Tongue Below,” Matrix # 53 (1999): 18-25.
  • “Two Pleas,” Queen’s Quarterly, Vol. 105 # 3 (1998): 458-464.
  • “The Meaning of an End,” The Malahat Review # 109 (1994): 59-69.
  • “The Progression of Celibacy,” Event, Vol. 21 # 2 (1992): 7-11.
  • “Casualties,” Scrivener # 16 (1991-1992): 43-46.
  • “Small Exposures,” Zymergy, Vol. 5 # 2 (1991): 83-89.
  • “Ida,” Zymergy, Vol. 3 # 1 (1989): 89-95.
  • “The Border,” Amelia, Vol. 5 # 2 (1988): 104-109.
  • “MacAnally’s Z,” Canadian Fiction Magazine # 63 (1988): 64-70.
  • “Inside,” The Moosehead Review # 9 (1986): 43-44.
  • “Cochabamba,” The Fiddlehead # 148 (1986): 50-59.
  • “The Voice of the Artist,” Waves, Vol. 14 # 1 & 2 (1985): 33-36.
  • “The Sun of Coricancha,” Descant # 38, Vol. 13 No. 4 (1982): 39-41.
  • “Adrian and Oliver,” Pierian Spring, Vol. 5 # 3 (1980): 32-37.


Professional Activities
            General Editor, Biblioasis International Translation Series (