Scottish Studies Fall 2013 Meet & Greet | College of Arts

Scottish Studies Fall 2013 Meet & Greet

Date and Time


MacKinnon 132, University of Guelph main campus


Everyone is invited to join us for our annual Scottish Studies Meet and Greet on Tuesday, September 10 from 2 to 3 in MacKinnon 132. This is a chance to hear about upcoming Scottish Studies events and opportunities (including funding/scholarships, our speaker series, and volunteer roles). The Centre for Scottish Studies organizes various speaking and social events throughout the year, publishes an academic journal, and is involved in community programs.
You do not need to be studying or involved in a Scottish topic, just interested! You'll find that we (nearly) always provide treats and coffee at Scottish Studies events so come by for that and stay to hear more! In the meanwhile, check out our social media accounts on Facebook ( and Twitter (
Hope to see you there,
Alice Glaze and Caitlin Holton