Great Workplace Learning Courses (HIST*3480) offered for Fall 2023 | College of Arts

Great Workplace Learning Courses (HIST*3480) offered for Fall 2023

Posted on Saturday, June 17th, 2023

Students!  Check out the great “Workplace Learning - HIST*3480” courses offered for Fall 2023. 

HIST3480 is an independent study course based on either History related voluntary or paid workplace experience. The projects are designed so that you can combine scholarly research with applied, on-the-job experience, that develops your job resume. These are independent projects, meaning that you meet with your instructor 4 or 5 times during the semester. Note they have limited enrolment and you must contact the professor to gain permission to take a course. It’s well worth the effort!

The employer designs the work duties, and the professor designs the related academic assignments. Some faculty are both workplace supervisor and faculty advisor.  You can view the details of these projects and what professor to contact at the following link: 

Workplace Learning courses currently on the History Department website: 

HIST*3480 01  Workplace Learning (Theme: Rural Diary Archive

HIST*3480 02 Workplace Learning (Theme: Webmaster for “Manchuria, Literature and Culture, 1900+”

HIST*3480 03  Workplace Learning (Theme: “The 150th Anniversary of the Ontario Agricultural College”

Watch for others to arrive soon, such as: 

HIST*3480 If Walls Could Talk: Heritage Planning in Guelph 
Instructor: Ben Bradley; Workplace Contact: Jack Mallon, Heritage Planner, Planning Services Guelph.  
Guelph’s heritage properties are the roots of our community. Embedded in their walls are diverse stories of ordinary people that called this city their home. They tell stories of failure and success, joy and tragedy, love and hate, war and peace, persecution and liberation - stories that are integral for understanding our shared history and identity. However, recent legislative changes have made 80% of Guelph’s heritage properties vulnerable to demolition. In this course, students will learn about heritage conservation, heritage legislation, and the research methods and resources used in the heritage field directly from heritage planners at the City of Guelph. Each student will be assigned a historic property and will utilize their research skills to reveal its history and evaluate its cultural heritage value. This course will give students the foundational skills and knowledge required for a career in heritage conservation.  

HIST3480: Miscreants and Rascals: with ProfKris Inwood 
This independent study course provides direct experience in the transcription, creation and analysis of data describing Canadians imprisoned during the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

More projects are currently being designed!

Please feel free to contact Dr. Catharine Wilson ( if you have any general questions about Experiential Learning courses.