Jianda Yuan (PhD '19) New Monograph on Chinese Governance in Interwar Manchuko | College of Arts

Jianda Yuan (PhD '19) New Monograph on Chinese Governance in Interwar Manchuko

Posted on Wednesday, July 12th, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the publication of an exceptional work by Dr. Jianda Yuan (PhD '19): Chinese Government Leaders in Manchukuo, 1931-1937: Intertwined National Ideals (Routledge, 2023).

Drawing on the historiography of the Japanese occupation in the Chinese, Japanese, and English languages, this book examines the politics of the Manchukuo puppet state from the angle of notable Chinese who cooperated with the Japanese military and headed its government institutions. Visit the book at Routledge.

This monograph is developed out of Dr. Yuan's PhD dissertation with us, supervised by Norman Smith, "More Complicated Than Treason or Obedience: Rectifying Historical Narratives of Manchuko's Top-Level Chinese-Speaking Officials, 1931-1937."

Congratulations Jianda!