David R. Farrell | College of Arts

David R. Farrell

Professor Emeritus


  • B.A.: University of Wisconsin, 1962
  • M.A.: University of Wisconsin, 1964
  • Ph.D.: University of Western Ontario, 1968


  • University of Guelph, Department of History, since 1968


  • Eighteenth century European penetration of the Great Lakes basin, focusing on Detroit as an imperial urban enclave


  • Era of American Revolution, 1760-1815, American Sectionalism, 1848-67, Selected aspects of American military history

Selected Publications

  • 1996 "France and New France"; "Queen Anne's War"; "France and Louisiana" in Allan Galley (ed.), Garland's Encyclopedia of Warfare: Colonial Wars of North America, 1512-1763 (Garland Publishing)
  • 1987 "Private Profit and Public Interest: Individual Gain, State Policy and New France", in Proceedings of the Western Society for French History
  • 1987 "Pontchartrain, Vauban and the Expansion of New France", in Proceedings of the French Colonial Historical Society
  • 1986 "Logistics and the British War Effort in the West, 1775-1783", in Selected Papers from the 1983 and 1984 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference, ed. R.J. Holden
  • 1985 "To Keep Them in Proper Subjection": Jeffrey Amherst and the Indians", in Man and Nature, IV, ed. David H. Jory
  • 1979 "Pontiac, Gladwin and the Myths of 1763", Indiana Military History Journal
  • 1977 "Anchors of Empire: Detroit, Montreal and the Continental Interior, 1760-1775", American Review of Canadian Studies, 7, 33-54
  • 1968 "Settlement Along the Detroit Frontier, 1760-1796", Michigan History, 52, 89-107