Harvey Marmurek

In Winter, 2025, Teams meetings may be arranged by emailing me.
Please contact me (hmarmure@uoguelph.ca) to set up an appointment.
My research interests fall in the general area of the experimental study of human information processing. The core topics that I have studied include: mechanisms of attention; encoding and retrieval in memory; word recognition processes in skilled reading; risky decision-making among gamblers; and, social cognition. Current projects investigated with undergraduate and graduate students focus on repetition effects on memory, the benefits of retrieval on learning, and the interplay of visual and verbal processes in face recognition.
Memory, Language, Gambling, Social Cognition
BA University of Toronto, 1969
MA The Ohio State University, 1972
PhD The Ohio Stae University, 1975
Selected Publications
Selected Publications:
Cooper*, A., & Marmurek, H. H. C. (2023). Separating behaviours and adverse consequences in the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI): A confirmatory factor analysis and Rasch analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies.
Carvahlo*, M., Cooper*, A., & Marmurek, H. H. C. (2023). Covert retrieval yields a forward testing effect across levels of successive list similarity. Metacognition and Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-023-09348-9
DiMarco, D., & Marmurek, H. (2023). The impact of depth of encoding on transfer of test enhance learning. Experimental Psychology, 69, (05). https://doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169/a000563
DiMarco, D., & Marmurek, H. (2022). Transfer of test-enhanced learning: Limitations of the mediator effectiveness hypothesis. Experimental Psychology. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1027/1618-3169/a000551
Marmurek, H. H. C., Rusyn, R., Zgardau, A., & Zgardau, A. M. (2021) Verbal overshadowing at an immediate task-test delay is independent of video-task delay, Journal of Cognitive Psychology, DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2021.1981916
Cooper, A., Olfert, K., & Marmurek, H. H. (2021). Predictors of problem gambling for sports and non-sports gamblers: A stochastic search variable selection analysis. Journal of Gambling Studies, 1-17.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-021-10025-2
Marmurek, H. H., & Cooper, A. (2021). Dichotomous and weighted scoring of the Problem Gambling Severity Index converge on predictors of problem gambling. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-021-00715-8
Cooper, A., & Marmurek, H. H. C. (2020). Modelling predictors of gambling harms with Stochastic Search Variable Selection (SSVS). International Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy, 3(1), 20.
Cooper, A., & Marmurek, H. H. C. (2020). Gambling harms: A dominance analysis of cogntions, motivation, and impulsivity. Journal of Addiction Research, 4 (2), 1-7.
Bacso, S. A., & Marmurek, H. H. C. (2016). Testing effects of free recall on organization in whole/part and part/whole transfer. Acta Psychologica, 171, 99-109.
Kwantes, P. J., Derbentseva, N., Lam, Q., Vartanian, O., & Marmurek, H. H.C. (2016). Assessing the Big Five Personality Traits with Laten Semantic Analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 102, 229-233.
Marmurek, H. H. C. (2016) Commetary: On the origin of replication effect size differences. The Case of RRR1 (Alogna et al., 2014) A comment on Posted on the Open Science Framework. https://osf.io/85tz4/
Finlay-Gough, K., Marmurek, H. H.C., Kanetkar, V., & Londerville, J. (2015). The influence of casino architecture and structure on problem gambling behaviour: An examination using virtual reality methodology. In F. Bezzina and V. Cassar (Eds.) 14th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies., Reading: UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Ltd., 187-194.
Marmurek, H. H., Switzer, J., & D'Alvise, J. (2015). Impulsivity, Gambling Cognitions, and the Gambler's Fallacy in University Students. Journal of Gambling Studies, 31 (1), 197-210, doi: 10.1007/s10899-9421-6.
Marmurek, H. H.C., Switzer, J., & D'Alvise, J. (2013). A comparison of university sttudent and community gamblers: Motivations, impulsivity, and gambling cognitions. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 3 (1), 54-64.
Finlay, K., Marmurek, H., Kanetkar, V., & Londerville, J. (2010). Casino décor effects on gambling emotions and intentions. Environment and Behavior, 42, 524-545.
Emond, M. & Marmurek, H. (2010). Gambling related cognitions mediate the association between thinking style and problem gambling severity. Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, 257-267.
Introductory Psychology
Research Methods