Jennifer Murray

Drugs of abuse have the capacity to alter behaviors and shift priorities. Research conducted in the Addiction, Interoception, and Motivation Laboratory broadly revolves around investigating how these effects emerge.
Undergraduate (1998-2003): BS - Psychology - University of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney NE, USA
Graduate (2004-2009): PhD - Biopsychology - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE, USA
Post Doctoral (2009-2016): Behavioural Neuroscience - University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Research Assistant Professor (2016-2017): Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln NE, USA
2023-2024 CIHR Bridge Fund: Modulating cocaine seeking by gonadal hormones in rats: sex differences in neural mechanisms of relapse-like behaviour.
2019-2024 NSERC DG: Manipulating the nature of internal stimuli through conditioning.
The purpose of this research program is to determine the behavioural and neural mechanisms of how an appetitive versus an aversive learning history with a perceptible drug state alters the value of that drug.
2019-2021 NIDA R03: Impact of adding tobacco constituents nornicotine and anatabine on self-administered nicotine.
The purpose of this research program is to determine the altered susceptibility to tobacco following nicotine consumption in adolescents or adults.
2019 CFI JELF: Impact of learning history on individual susceptibility to developing an addiction phenotype.
This grant provides the infrastructure required to measure and manipulate neurochemical correlates of compulsive drug-seeking behaviours.
Selected Publications
(* indicates graduate student contribution; ** indicates undergraduate student contribution)
Peart DR*, Claridge EV**, Karlovcec JM*, El Azali R*, LaDouceur KE, Sikic A*, Thomas A**, Stone AP*, Murray JE (2024) Generalization of a positive-feature interoceptive morphine occasion setter across the rat estrous cycle. Hormones and Behavior, 162:105541.
Peart DR**, Andrade AK*, Logan CN, Knackstedt LA, Murray JE (2022) Regulation of cocaine-related behaviors by estrogen and progesterone. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 135:104584.
Sikic A*, Frie JA, Khokhar JY, Murray JE (2022) Sex differences in the behavioural outcomes of prenatal nicotine and tobacco exposure. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16:921429.
Andrade AK*, Renda B*, Sharivker M**, Lambert K**, Murray JE (2021) Sex differences in the discriminative stimulus characteristics of a morphine occasion setter in rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 205:173173
Renda B*, Andrade AK*, Stone APS**, El Azali R**, Sharivker M**, Khokhar JY, Antenos M, Murray JE (2021) Adolescent nicotine and footshock exposure augments adult nicotine self-administration and drug-seeking without affecting baseline anxiety-like behaviour or stress responsivity in male rats. Psychopharmacology, 238:1687-1701.
Andrade AK*, Renda B*, Murray JE (2019) Cannabinoids, interoception, and anxiety. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 180:60-73.
Murray JE, Belin-Rauscent A, Simon M, Giuliano C, Benoît-Marand M, Everitt BJ, Belin D (2015) Basolateral and central amygdala differentially recruit and maintain dorsolateral striatum-dependent cocaine-seeking habits. Nature Communications, 6:10088.
Murray JE, Dilleen RM, Pelloux Y, Economidou D, Dalley JW, Belin D, Everitt BJ (2014) Increased impulsivity retards the transition to dorsolateral striatal dopamine control of cocaine seeking. Biological Psychiatry, 76:15-22.
Murray JE, Belin D, Everitt BJ (2012) Double dissociation of the dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatal control over the acquisition and performance of cocaine seeking. Neuropsychopharmacology, 37:2456-2466.
Murray JE, Wells NR, Bevins RA (2011) Nicotine competes with a visual stimulus for control of conditioned responding. Addiction Biology, 16:152-162.
Murray JE, Bevins RA (2010) Cannabinoid conditioned reward and aversion: behavioral and neural processes. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 1:265-278.
Murray JE, Bevins RA (2009) Acquired appetitive responding to intravenous nicotine reflects a Pavlovian conditioned association. Behavioral Neuroscience, 123:97-108.
Murray JE, Bevins RA (2007) Behavioral and neuropharmacological characterization of nicotine as a conditional stimulus. European Journal of Pharmacology, 561:91-104.
NEUR*2000 - Foundations in Neuroscience
NEUR*3500 - Techniques in Neuroscience
NEUR*6100 - Collaborative Neuroscience Seminar Series
PSYC*4750 - Seminar in Motivation and Emotion
PSYC*2330 - Principles of Learning
2023 University of Guelph Research Excellence Award
CIHR Funding Announcement
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