A Conversation with the Activists in Residence | College of Arts

A Conversation with the Activists in Residence

Date and Time


Guelph Black Heritage Society (83 Essex St., Guelph, ON) or virtual (via Zoom)



Dear friends, colleagues, and community members, 

On behalf of the Activist-in-Residence (AiR) program at the University of Guelph, I’m excited to invite you to an evening with this year’s AiRs, Dr. Marsha Hinds Myrie and Nneka MacGregor (https://www.getlab.ca/activist-in-residence/). Please join them and Don Mahleka, Equity Manager at the Guelph Community Health Centre, for an important conversation about Black women’s leadership in resisting and responding to gender-based violence, and the role of Black men as allies in this work. For more information about the AiR program, see the bottom of this email. Please circulate widely in your networks!

Date: Thursday, February 8

Time: 7 – 9 pm

Location: Guelph Black Heritage Society (83 Essex St., Guelph, ON) or virtual (via Zoom)

RSVP: Monday, Feb. 5 (space is limited so RSVP early)


In person: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/803509036157?aff=oddtdtcreator

Virtual: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/803527912617?aff=oddtdtcreator

We look forward to seeing you on February 8!