George Christie Creelman

First name: George Christie
Last Name: Creelman
Hometown: Collingwood, Ontario
Birth Year: 1869
OAC Grad Year(s): BSA 1888
Date of Death: 1929
Affiliation: Alumni, Principal / President / Dean
OAC Pillar: Agriculture, Communities
George Creelman served as the president of OAC for 16 years. As one of the first five graduates of the OAC degree program he continued his education by receiving a master’s degree at Mississippi Agricultural and Mechanical College. Creelman travelled back to Guelph to marry his predecessor's eldest daughter, Ada Ross Mills.
“Our farm girls must be taught systematically, either in their own homes or somewhere else, the science and practice of homemaking.” – George Creelman
Creelman’s focus on extension and promotion of education for women supported enrollment growth in the college during his tenure. He backed the introduction of provincial agricultural representatives as a tool to broadcast practical research findings, create job opportunities for OAC graduates, and promote the educational opportunities at OAC directly to the farm community. Creelman furthered his support of the community by offering agricultural education courses to veterans of the First World War, and he further contributed to the war effort by serving as the Ontario Commissioner of Agriculture to aid in the management of wartime food shortages.
Creelman also furthered the education of Ontario’s women by facilitating educational home courses in surrounding counties. He was also a champion of the Ontario Women’s Institutes and hosted the first Women’s Institute convention in 1903, which allowed over 500 women to tour facilities and experience what OAC had to offer.
Creelman encouraged students and faculty to travel internationally to compete and experience academic exchanges. He himself also travelled overseas to investigate new agricultural methods and deliver speeches on the topic of agricultural education.
References and Further Reading
- Quote reference: Said in the Farming World and Canadian Farm and Home (Toronto) as quoted in “Creelman, George Christie”,
- Photo credit: Archival and Special Collections, University of Guelph Library
- Alexander M. Ross. The College on the Hill: A History of the Ontario Agricultural College, 1874-1974 (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1974)
- “Famous Guelphites: George Christie Creelman”,
- “Historical Plaque: George Creelman 1869-1929”,
Posted on September 18, 2014