Joshua (Gus) Skorburg has two recent collaborations with psychologists at Guelph and McGill | College of Arts

Joshua (Gus) Skorburg has two recent collaborations with psychologists at Guelph and McGill

Posted on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024

Written by don dedrick

Joshua (Gus) Skorburg, U of G Philosophy,  has two recent collabs with psychologists:

-A publication in American Psychologist, co-authored with Kieran O'Doherty (U of G Psychology) and Phoebe Friesen (McGill Psychology) The paper shows "why it is more important than ever to ensure that those most impacted by mental health research have a significant say in how these technologies are developed and deployed."

-Gus has also been awarded a MITACS grant ($60,000), also in collaboration with Kieran Dougherty,  and a graduate student Kristina Kupferschmidt (Engineering).

  Public Project Overview

Healthcare providers spend more and more time in front of computer screens reviewing notes and searching for information, and less and less time developing meaningful relationships with patients. Emerging technologies like ChatGPT may be able to reverse this dynamic and free up clinicians’ time and reduce wait times for patients. This project will assess the promises and pitfalls of technologies like ChatGPT in the context of pediatric rehabilitation.

If you'd like to learn more about the research or the grant, you can contact Gus: