Course Offerings | College of Arts

Course Offerings

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Core Courses:

EURO*6000 Research Methods F [0.50]

This course will: a) introduce students to the field and research methods of European Studies, b) familiarize them with field-relevant research skills and methodologies.

EURO*6010 European Identities W [0.50]

This core course examines historical and contemporary ideas of the 'nation' and of 'Europe' and their relationships to identity, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Using core concepts that span various disciplines, the course investigates the construction and implications of national, minority, European and EU identities.


Restricted Electives (examples):

EURO*6060 Contemporary Europe [0.50]

This course examines the major trends and developments in European culture and society since the end of the Cold War and the post-1989 geo-political, social and cultural events. The course will focus on literature, film, art, political and economic theory and will address Europe’s transcontinental relationships, inter-European immigration, the role of religious and cultural minorities, the impact of the financial crisis on the Eurozone. Offered in conjunction with EURO*4050. Extra work is required for graduate students.

ENGL*6209 Topics in Colonial, Postcolonial and Diasporic Literature [0.50]

A course to be offered at least once every academic year. A comparative study of postcolonial literatures in English. Topics may include a focus on a single area, such as India, the Caribbean, Africa, Australia, or New Zealand or may focus on the comparative study of some of these literatures, considering the construction of Third World, diasporic, or settler-invader colonies, or writing and reading practices in colonial, neo-colonial, and postcolonial environments.

HIST*6190 Topics in Scottish History I [0.50]

This course will introduce students to selected aspects of medieval and early modern Scottish history and historiography, including the use of source materials, and practical training involving manuscripts in the University Archives.

HIST*6000 Historiography I [0.50]

This course will introduce students to some of the essential components of the historical process as exemplified by the literature produced prior to 1914. It will also assess history as a cognitive discipline in contemporary society. While the scope of the course will extend from ancient times to the eve of World War I, emphasis will be placed on 19th-century historiography.

PHIL*6150 Contemp European Philosophy II [0.50]

A study of the historical and contemporary origins of existentialism, phenomenology and post-modernism, concentrating on texts not covered in PHIL*6140 in the same year.

PHIL*6320 Medieval Philosophy [0.50]

A close examination of particular problems and texts of the medieval period

PHIL*6600 Social & Political Philosophy [0.50]

A critical examination of some selected contemporary works or central problems in the field of social philosophy.

PHIL*6000 Value Theory [0.50]

A critical examination of some selected contemporary works in value theory or aesthetics.

AVC*6300 Topics Art Hist/Visual Culture [0.50]

This seminar explores issues of historical and crtical method by focusing them through the lens of a particular area of concern within the fields of art history, visual culture, and/or material culture.

AVC*6320 Topics in Art & Visual Culture II ;0.50]

This seminar course is designed to explore one or more issues in Art and Visual Culture depending on the expertise of the instructor. Offered in conjunction with ARTH*4320. Extra work is required of graduate students. Students should consult the department for specific offerings.

AVC*6340 Topics in Art & Visual Culture IV [0.50]

This seminar course is designed to explore one or more issues in Art and Visual Culture depending on the expertise of the instructor. Offered in conjunction with ARTH*4340. Extra work is required of graduate students. Students should consult the department for specific offerings.

POLS*6180* Women, Justice & Public Policy [0.50]

This course will use gender-based analysis in examining a series of justice and public policy issues affecting the lives of women, including equality rights, pay and employment equity, domestic violence, sexual assault, family policy, health care policy, and pornography. Offered in conjunction with POLS*4100. Extra work is required for graduate students.


Major Research Paper

EURO*6100 Research Project U [1.00]

This research project will result in a major paper of about 12,000 words. The student chooses a topic with the guidance of a faculty member. The topic must be approved by the Graduate Commitee.