Digital Storytelling | College of Arts

Digital Storytelling

summer 2019 banner

The Work that Stories Do in the World:
Digital Storytelling for Research, Education, and Change (Course Full)


Carla Rice        University of Guelph

Ingrid Mundel    University of Guelph



This workshop will give you hands-on experience with possibilities for digital/multimedia storytelling in research, education, and community engagement. We will give you an opportunity to use audio recording, photography and video editing, to learn about the power of story for research and/in action, and to experience a collaborative arts-based research process. Over the course of 3.5 days, you will both learn about digital storytelling as a research and education methodology AND create your own 2-3 minute film/ micro-documentary/ digital story.

Drawing on our collaborative work with Queer, trans, disability, racialized and Indigenous artists and communities, in this workshop we highlight  story as methodology/theory, as identity/subjectivity, and as relationship/ connectivity. We make the case that storytelling contributes to the lexicon of research methods by offering approaches not only for centring marginalized voices but for scaffolding intersectional and inter-sectorial alliances (across institutions/ communities) and for imagining more just futures.


Eventbrite - DH@Guelph Summer Workshops 2019