Meet Elliott, OAC Student

About Elliot Armstrong
Elliott, an OAC Animal Science student, jumped right into all the University of Guelph and OAC has to offer. In his two years on campus, Elliot has founded a student club and taken experiential learning courses, but still finds time to balance the school work and activities with relaxation.
Program: Bachelor of Science in Agriculture – Animal Science
Year of Study: Third year
Hometown: Cayuga, Ontario
Why did you decide to come to the OA C/Guelph?
I chose to come to the OAC because I was interested in agriculture. I learned a little bit about farming growing up on a small farm, but I wanted to learn about the newest ideas in agriculture. Guelph was a natural choice for post-secondary education.
What do you like best about your program?
I would have to say I like the applicability. Whether it is what I learn in the classroom or what I learn from my peers, this program constantly offers opportunities to learn. By learning from professors, who are experts in their fields, and from peers from a variety of different farm backgrounds I am always able to learn something that could benefit me down the road.
What residence did you live in during first year?
In first year I was part of the Bachelor of Science (Agr.) Academic Learning Community, the infamous Aggie Cluster of 2D in Lambton Hall. We had a blast. Being in the cluster was great for school work. If I had a question about some homework, I knew that I could walk down the hall and see what any of my friends were up to. Chances were that somebody would be working on the same problem and we would be able to help each other out. Another great reason to be in the cluster is the fellowship. Being all Aggies, we would have thorough conversations about agriculture, namely debating whether quota is needed or not. I think the jury is still out on that one. But even if our debates got a little heated, we would all still head out to Creelman's for dinner as buddies.
What career do you hope to have after graduation?
After graduation I would like to have a career in the agriculture industry. I know that this is a very broad answer, but that is the great thing about having an education from the OAC. It opens so many doors for you.
What has been your favourite class so far?
My favourite class has been the Field Course in International Agriculture. The week long trip to Costa Rica to learn about tropical agriculture was a great learning experience. Learning how some of the foods I enjoy, such as coffee, chocolate, and pineapples are grown was interesting to say the least. Learning how crops are grown, marketed and exported in this region of the world is a striking difference to the agriculture I grew up with. I would recommend taking the Field Course in International Agriculture to any second year student who is interested in expanding their knowledge of tropical agriculture and global food supply.
Do you have a favourite professor?
I would have to say John Lauzon and Bill Deen stand out as great professors. Whether you are learning about dirt, I mean soil, in AGR*2320, or cropping systems in AGR*2470, both professors have a wealth of knowledge. Deen and Lauzon both teach in a manner that is easily understood, while still being effective and engaging.
How are you involved on campus?
In my first year I joined my Class Executive and served as Vice-President for two years. This year I am the Vice-President External for the Student Federation of the Ontario Agricultural College (SFOAC). In my first year I founded the OAC Beef Science Club. We have had a successful two years so far and are excited for the future.
What are your favourite events and activities on campus?
SFOAC’s Wednesday night “Aggie Pub” probably tops the list of favourite activities here on campus. Where else can you put on your two-stepping shoes every week? College Royal is also an event that I look forward to every year.
What is your favourite way to procrastinate, when you are supposed to be studying?
Making my rounds and seeing my Aggie neighbours would be my favourite way to procrastinate. It works especially well on Sunday nights when everyone is getting back from a weekend at home. Everyone always has lots to shoot the breeze about.
Where are your favourite spots to hang out and eat on campus?
The Aggie Lounge is my favourite place to hang out on campus. A healthy supply of Ontario Farmer magazines and the revolving door of people makes the Aggie Lounge a great place to catch up on news. My favourite place to eat is by far the Lennox and Addington Pit. It’s a far walk, but their chicken burgs make it worth it.
In your opinion, what's one of the best places to hangout in the city of Guelph?
Off of campus I enjoy the wings at