Appeal Process


Job Information Questionnaire evaluation results may be appealed by incumbents and/or their supervisors within twenty (20) days of receipt of the evaluation results by incumbents.  Copies of appeals will be made available to the Union upon submission.


An incumbent and/or supervisor may appeal one or more factor ratings if the incumbent/supervisor is of the view that:

  • An important aspect of job content information was omitted from the Job Information Questionnaire, or
  • Important job content information has been insufficiently considered in the evaluation.


  1. The incumbent or supervisor initiating the appeal will complete the Appeal Form which includes an explanation for changes to the rationale of the factor(s) under appeal. The appeal should be clearly and concisely written and should not include a new rewritten Job Information Questionnaire.


  1. Appeals will be submitted on the Appeals Form to Human Resources who will retain the original copy. If an employee initiates an appeal, they will provide a copy of the Appeal Form to their supervisor for comment, normally within ten (10) business days of receipt of the evaluation results. Conversely, if a supervisor submits an appeal, they will provide a copy of the Appeal Form to the employee for comment within ten (10) business days of receipt of the evaluation results. This will allow the other party sufficient time to review and provide comment before t he completed Appeal Form is submitted to Human Resources.  Appeal Forms must be submitted to Human Resources within twenty (20) days of the receipt of the evaluation results.


  1. For an appeal of a multi-incumbent position, the submission must be distributed for review to all employees covered by the original JIQ. An additional ten (10) days will be provided to allow for this review. At least 50% of those employees must sign indicating their agreement with the Appeal for it to proceed. In circumstances where an incumbent(s) in a multi-incumbent position submitted supplementary information specific to their position and wishes to appeal, the 50% threshold does not apply.


  1. An extension of these timelines may be granted through mutual agreement between Human Resources and the Union. Human Resources will then notify the incumbent(s) and supervisor(s) that the appeal submission is complete and will move forward for review.


  1. The appeal will be reviewed by Human Resources within sixty (60) days, subject to resource availability. Human Resource will only consider the subfactor(s) in dispute, unless changing one subfactor rating affects other subfactor ratings. Any of the disputed or related subfactor ratings may go up or down, or the ratings may stay the same. Any changes to the rating will be reflected on an amended rating notes sheet. It is possible that the process may result in changes to other jobs that have not requested appeal.


  1. Human Resources will release the results of the Appeal to the incumbent(s) and supervisor(s), with a copy to the Union, who may reserve the right to file a grievance alleging an improper application of the revised JE tool should they disagree with an appeal outcome.