Recruitment, Selection & Orientation

The Talent Acquisition team is launching a Hiring Committee Portal on SharePoint and will be sharing the link on July 29th!

The Hiring Committee Portal is maintained by the central Talent Acquisition team with input from the Faculty & Academic Staff Relations team and is designed to provide information and resources related to the University of Guelph’s hiring practices.

The content on the site is a work in progress and will be expanded over time to include more information for Hiring Managers/Chairs and Committee members leading and supporting academic and non-academic searches.

Hiring Committee Portal Features:

  • Instructional information about the hiring process including approval requirements and links to recommended learning.
  • A calendar of events including upcoming support sessions being offered by Talent Acquisition to support the transition to Gryphons at Work.
  • A secure place to save shared competition files such as candidate assessments /rubrics and interviewing plans.