Learning & Development

Note: Registration for HR Learning & Development programs has been paused for July and August 2024 while we transition to an interim Qualtrics registration system. Please submit your email address, and we will inform you when registration reopens.

You can now view our current and upcoming Development opportunities on the new Digital Guide to Learning & Development Programs page. To browse by month you can visit our Event Calendar. You can also view some digital learning resources.

Learning and Development logo

Managing Through Change Series:  Strategies, Insights and Tools To Support the Return to Campus, New Initiatives and Innovation

The pandemic has plunged virtually all organizations, businesses, leaders and employees into a position of managing through change and thinking about how to contribute to and/or support decisions about what comes next.  Having to work from home, or working on location during the height of the pandemic, was indeed challenging for so many. Returning to the workplace is going to have its own unique challenges.  Very little will be the same as we seek to effectively and safely respond to a new environment, new requirements, and diverse needs. In partnership with CCS and respected external partners, we are offering a series of sessions that cover various aspects of change and provide you with helpful insight, tools and/or strategies that you can use to communicate, engage, innovate, collaborate, or simply operate day to day.  There are sessions for administrative and academic leaders, for project managers and for staff.  Whatever you need for a change, we have something that may help you through it.

NEW Days

Another exciting initiative is the NEW @ the U program, which is the University of Guelph's customized New Employee Welcome (NEW) program!  Check out the NEW @ the U section of our program guide, and browse the Human Resources website section dedicated to the NEW @ the U program.

The University is committed to human rights and employment equity. If you need an accommodation to access a learning and development opportunity please contact Linda Watt, Director, Learning & Development and Consulting Services at extension 56509 or Occupational Health and Wellness at ohw@uoguelph.ca or at extension 56804.

Email Learning & Development or contact a member of our team if you are undecided about which program to register for. We can help you identify your learning needs and the programs and learning opportunities that best suit you!

Follow us on Twitter

We are Tweeting!  Follow us on Twitter for program updates, links to blogs and articles on learning and performance, and more.  We are at https://twitter.com/UofGHR