Customized Solutions

In consultation with Human Resource colleagues, Learning & Development’s consulting services can assist managers and leaders to deal with relationships, improving engagement, working together, aiding retention, and building a better workplace.

Engage Learning & Development for future planning and when you are:

  • Planning a large event/retreat (e.g. strategic planning)
  • Anticipating change
  • Integrating teams
  • Fostering learning and development of new skills
  • Seeking leadership coaching

Engage Learning & Development when you need immediate help, such as when you are:

  • Engaged in a change that is creating tension, issues, conflict, etc.
  • Require mediation and/or coaching between colleagues
  • Seeking leadership coaching
  • Facilitating team development

Our Approach to Consulting and Coaching

Our approach to coaching and consulting incorporates the following steps:

  1. Interview with the "client."
  2. Situational assessment to understand the bigger context and perspectives surrounding the issues.
  3. Meet with the client and potentially other stakeholders to develop a common understanding based on all the information that has been collected.
  4. Make recommendations on how to proceed and outline the role that we can play to support positive outcomes.
  5. Discuss options with the client and together make a decision on the next steps.
  6. Build a detailed plan for moving forward and provide it to the client for feedback.
  7. Deliver services.
  8. Collect feedback on both process and outcome effectiveness.
  9. Share feedback with the client and determine the next steps if required.

Please contact Linda Watt, Director, Learning & Development and Consulting Services to engage us. Linda may be contacted at or by telephone at 519-824-4120 ext. 56509.