NEW Days – The U of G’s Onboarding Program
NEW Days is the University of Guelph’s welcoming to new employees. One day at the beginning of 7 months of the year (excluding January, April, July, August, and December) has been dedicated to connecting new employees to the University environment and giving them a positive start. Various activities and representatives from across campus will share perspectives and important information that will introduce the new employee to the university culture, history, facilities, and various services.
The program is targeted specifically to new employees who are regular, full-time or part-time staff or full-time with an appointment of greater than 6 months. However, any employee that can benefit is welcome to register using the links on this page.
Required Learning
Each U of G employee plays a critical role in creating and maintaining a culture of health and safety, security, and inclusion. As an employer, the U of G is mandated to provide training to new staff and management to support these areas, which you will find below. Use your central U of G login and password to sign in. Be sure to save your certificate as proof of completion. If you need any assistance with CourseLink, please email
Required Training
- The U of G Community Census
- Accessible Service Provision
- EHS Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training Course (Staff)
- EHS Supervisor Health and Safety Awareness & Due – Diligence Course (Supervisors)
- Sexual violence Support Module for Faculty and Staff focused on how to respond to disclosures of sexual violence and where to refer those who need assistance.
Highly Recommended Training
- Introduction to Human Rights The module explores relevant laws and university policies and defines important concepts like discrimination, harassment, accommodation and undue hardship. It’s a guide to help our U of G campus community understand their own personal rights and it will work to strengthen human rights supports at U of G.
- Principles of Belonging: Anti-Oppression & Anti-Racism This training module provides core principles to foster more inclusive spaces and create an authentic sense of belonging for all campus community members.
- Positive Space Project is a training program for faculty, students and staff to increase awareness and support of the LGBTQ2SIA+ community at the U of G and beyond.
- Cyber Security Awareness To improve the University of Guelph's community's awareness of important Information Security topics such as Phishing, Malware, Passwords, etc., CCS has partnered with SANS to provide Faculty and Staff with a great learning environment.