Job Fact Sheets

A vacancy provides an ideal opportunity to reflect upon the nature and design of work and determine whether or not the current needs of the department and the University are being met.  The Job Fact Sheet (JFS) is used as the first step to fill a vacancy as it captures the activities of the role.

The JFS can be used in many areas of human resources management. For compensation purposes, it provides information needed to compare positions externally through salary surveys, and also to evaluate positions in relation to other similar types of jobs within the University.

The JFS can also be used in setting individual objectives for performance evaluation purposes. The process of preparing a JFS is also a valuable aid for supervisors and their staff in clarifying position responsibilities.

To be used effectively for any of these purposes, it is essential for a position description to be factual, concise, complete and unambiguous and to be written in a uniform style and format.

For assistance in analyzing roles and organizational structure within the department, and in developing or reformulating the JFS prior to recruiting, contact your HR Consultant.

Electronic Job Fact Sheet templates are available under Job Design & Job Evaluation.