Ontario Veterinary College Safety including Safe Work with Animals and Preventing Zoonoses

This course is geared towards those performing clinical care to animal patients or research related to animals at research stations, private farms, or on the Guelph campus.  

This in-person workshop covers a general introduction to safety topics, including:
information about the Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations, the University Safety Policies, including Violence and Harassment Prevention, and duties and responsibilities assigned under the Act, and injury and incident reporting at the U of G.

Specific contents for the “OVC HSC safety with animals” portion of the program includes:

  • The risks and challenges of work specifically with animals undergoing veterinary care, the equipment in use in veterinary clinical care at the OVC Health Sciences Centre and the Smith Lane Veterinary 
  • species specific risks and controls associated with animal handling to allow safe work with a number of companion and large animal species 
  • Species specific zoonoses and transmission prevention.

Sessions are scheduled annually at the Ontario Veterinary College on Guelph campus.

To meet remote orientation needs due to COVID-19, this course has been made available online through the EHS Farm, Field and Landscape Safety Training module, found in Courselink.